
Company Profile

SINCE 1949

China Tea Co. Ltd

China Tea Co., Ltd. (hereinafter 工讀referred to as “China Tea”) is on都輛e of the 18 speciali窗拿zed companies of COFCO and one of th內都e 12 grain and oil food indus現器try chains of COFCO. With the計坐 inheritance and dev那和elopment of the traditional Chinese te兒這a culture as its missio畫員n and positioning a whole-category c友事ompany of brand cons笑間umption goods with integrated operation兒慢, China Tea adh樹也eres to the concept of n民你ature, ecology, safety, and health,黃和 and is committed to offer數裡ing consumers tea-oriented products and務門 related services, based on the 知西brand proposition 兒場of "National drink ChinaTea".

Founded in 1949, China T一你ea is the first state-o放業wned company since the foundin聽行g of the People's Republic of商但 China and has made importan視東t contributions to the national econ吧外omic construction.議說 As a representative of the Chinese 身們tea enterprises, the Company has nat弟多ural deposition of brand his業票tory and consumer trust, ranked firs做了t in the list of tea 窗作enterprises in the repository of Chin煙金a’s Time-honored Brand as the o雜農nly whole-category tea喝新 enterprise, and 火行also ranked first in the list of to校我p 100 tea enterprises in the tea ind火房ustry for consecutive year妹國s. Over more than half a century, the 內唱company's products bro章業ught fragrance at home and abroad湖商 as a country gift for她請 many times, the brand "ChinaTea" wo廠兒n the high recognition and tru內知st of dealers and consumers at home 冷就and abroad, becoming th歌新e symbol of Chinese tea. In 201紅唱7, China Tea select子他ed Seawall black tea, ChinaTea But公森terfly jasmine tea, C場計hinaTea West Lake Longjing green視作 tea, ChinaTea Mingsha理資n Pasha cooked Puer tea products t公商o provide the “Belt and Road” Int報舞ernational Cooperation Fo習現rum as officially designated suppl空唱ies, ChinaTea Bigb可機oss Seawall black tea as the optio金是nal product for mee美話tings of the BRIC林妹S leaders. Chin藍坐a Tea get great pr窗銀aise in the wor綠作ld again.

Under the guidance of the s自哥trategy of "whole-industry-chain" of 喝畫COFCO, China Tea, through manageme哥遠nt and control across the whole industr學女y chain and contro術暗lling the resources of high quality te話匠a with the operati制說on mode of "company + supplier +下店 tea farmer" control, provides h身物igh quality raw mater討雨ial which is natural, green, heal照吃thy, and safe for tea produ章家ction, effectively guaranteeing the exc河來ellent quality of the produ海答cts. With processing bases in Xiamen, F麗市uzhou, Quanzhou, Yunnan, Huna內見n, and Guangxi, th暗去e company boasts for its請北 advanced production a多哥nd processing technology and equipment校師, high specialization degr木那ee, and strict production standards. &n文有bsp;The company supplies pr快外oducts including black廠筆 tea, Oolong tea就鐵, flower tea, white tea, 紅街Liu Pao tea, Puer tea, dark也大 tea, tea drinks, etc., and h議他as created several best-selling 市舊brands such the core brand "ChinaTea" a物務nd product brands of Seawall, Butterf知媽ly, 100-year Mucang,自我 and Monkey King.

China Tea now has established division他文s of four produc電森t categories: Oolong Tea Division (制朋China Tea in Xiamen, C高計hina Tea in Fujian), Dark Tea Divisi友醫on (China Tea in Hunan), 知年Puer Tea Division (China Tea in Yunna什謝n, China Tea in Guangx到能i), Green Tea Division (Chin生中a Tea in Anhui), and othe大請r business including China Tea Rong科志tong (Beijing) Tea Industry Co., Ltd., 紅是and China Tea Life (B遠制eijing) Tea Industr討玩y Co., Ltd.

By virtue of fu讀通lly understanding and d音海eep understanding of the Chine那購se tea industry, 弟物China Tea will become the world'熱個s leading tea enterprise th那時rough perfecting layout,醫子 building brand, strengthen信近ing channel-based industry chain layo少個ut, and also throug草區h enhancing operation management,在錯 promoting syste動劇ms and mechanisms, an自答d improving investment promotion鐵吃, and also the t明學rue representative of the Chinese志吃 tea products, offering te樂媽a, the oldest and stunning natural