
Talent Developm一市ent

Talent Cultivati日風on

In order to drive the會低 business development, promote th國離e implementation of th嗎讀e Company's strategy, impr農學ove employees' abi白但lity, and establish learning-oriented 我小organizations, China Tea establishe讀輛d the School of Opera空民tion Management i男森n 2012, which is bas答你ed on the manag到船ers' capability model, de呢刀veloped more than我喝 ten courses in oper樹你ation management, an嗎能d set up a training map. The school 爸什organizes regular basi日如c training of operating capability, 來不professional ability training, traini報遠ng for new employees, an劇外d back-up talents 遠開cultivation. Through cou朋亮rseware development a紅木nd annual train動愛ing in rotation, the schoo冷明l has formed a te中章am of experienc我拿ed internal lec從明turers. In the f厭體uture, School of Operation Management o秒木f China Tea will strengthen coopera喝看tion with the external org紙我anizations, such as China Institute 電遠of Tea Business, to continue to carry來玩 out the talent training, so as to b她輛uild China Tea's core tal日子ent competitivity through 放唱focusing on imp水身roving management thinking, market厭雪ing team building,算體 and back-up talents外鄉 cultivation.