
Core Brand

Brand Assets:

Status: China Tea was founded in 1949是長, is was the first sta腦離te-owned professional compan地車y in new China, and has 廠歌made important contribu頻子tions to the construc裡們tion of new Chin購醫a.

No. 1 Tea Brand: China Te化少a owns the first tea brand logo of "Ch拿用inaTea". The green char裡視acter “Tea" expresses "longing for and 來快pursuit of nature a街美nd health"; the red charact亮子er "China" repre商化sents the vibrant Chinese land. Th金但e product positioning and女章 pursuit of "golden China and長光 quality China Tea" mean呢學s the concept of "rooting on the Chine道事se land and dedicating to nature and h林雜ealth". The character "Te美生a" with straigh兵謝t strokes and "China" is flowing 文市and round, and the center positi章廠on of "Tea" and花喝 outer position of "C計照hina" indicate the humanist明志ic tradition of 還民"being upright, fair and stra可音ight, and flowing and tur習光ning freely"; The t了作oothed character "China" like a gear m看東eans the modernization 喝技of traditional tea and implies t間小hat the Chinese tea culture expa地暗nds and has high praise in the worl視國d".

Industrial Foundation: Wu Jueno鄉跳ng, Feng Shaoqiu, Zhang T紙制ianfu and et al. are the公東 founders of the renaissa事照nce of China's modern 中老tea industry and also China 南唱Tea, and the ori雨得ginators and inheritors of the tea-pr城身ocessing mechanization and standar多讀dized machined-made tea低秒 technology. China Tea, which part為時icipated in the妹林 formulation of the industrial standa也不rds of Chinese tea, is the originator物月 of the fermentation techno他水logy of Puer ripe tea, new whit事雪e tea process, an是明d patented fungus and technology for土件 dark tea.

Status: China Tea Co., Ltd. has t外答he registered trademark: ChinaT現笑ea, which was re刀是cognized as the first batch of 雨會"China’s Time-honored 明制Brand". As a representative of 術白the Chinese tea ent店服erprises, China Tea has r就著anked first in th內技e list of tea enterp妹坐rises in the repository of China’s Ti白黃me-honored Brand as the on好聽ly whole-category tea enterprise, and a能喝lso ranked first in the list of 信謝top 100 tea enterp金西rises in the tea industry for consecut紙匠ive years.

National Name Card: China Tea's雪的 products brought服和 fragrance at home and 靜東abroad as a national gift for喝民 many times, the brand "ChinaTea" a什術nd related series brands won the 用暗high recognition and trust of dealer還還s and consumers at home and abr電務oad, becoming the symbol o計科f Chinese tea. The cla白房ssic products of C請子hina Tea were offe兒短red in the major地但 diplomatic protocol activities m如近any times, such a答做s the APEC meeting i書費n 2014, and “the Belt & Road” 答用International Cooperation Summit Forum 鄉但and BRIC Meeting in 201子體7, enjoying great prestige in t靜用he world on behalf紙街 of "Chinese Qu人司ality" and "Chinese Image" 會綠is famous in the world.

Core Value of Brand:

Based on its brand’員用s historical assets and友輛 development strategy, China Tea was p務文ositioned as the "provi分木der of tea-relat畫些ed healthy lifestyle影放" and deems "National Drink ChinaTe綠森a" as its brand propo歌快sition. National Drink 吧雜ChinaTea represents the qua機畫lity and taste of China Tea. Qu微討ality -- national qu地電ality embodies th路線e enterprise strength and 術日excellent quality guaran關說tee of China Tea; Taste -- t樂睡he carrier of the na雨什tional spirit, and the symbol of the喝廠 Chinese culture. The 爸他historical assets, special 暗音identity and mission of th農綠e brand "ChinaTea" embody di黃媽fferentiated value a動兒nd core competitive adv音理antage; the high quality produ術相cts of China Tea will become the added 懂子value of the brand sup飛森plemented with its unique tasting 通老experience and brand cu關門lture, which conforms t村到o the property of tea and mod了林ern consumption t爸的rend.

Brand Drivers:

Product Mix of 公術The Whole Category: China Tea is 拿刀the only whole-category tea enterprise 分外in the list of tea enterp好討rises in the repos鐵習itory of China’s Ti紅花me-honored Brand. T廠線he company supplies products including子東 black tea, Oolong tea, flower tea, wh吃國ite tea, Liu Pao tea, Puer t自們ea, dark tea, tea drink水一s, etc., formin場民g a diversified mix of adv匠微antageous products.

Quality Image: Under the guid美那ance of the strat藍科egy of "whole-industry-chain" of 外市COFCO, China Tea, throug時外h management and control across 但開the whole industry海腦 chain and controlling the resource麗業s of high quality tea wit哥還h the operation 區雪mode of "company 術花+ supplier + tea farmer" control長女, provides high quality raw materia數技l which is natural, green大微, healthy, and safe fo行男r tea production, e舊煙ffectively guara劇物nteeing the excellent qu分還ality of the products; China Tea boasts東黃 for its advanced pr笑河oduction and processing technolog章信y and equipment, high spec近船ialization degree, and strict p間討roduction standards.

Health Image: Healthy body and mind 裡車and also healthy lifestyle. Chin都下a Tea carries out scientifi商姐c research and develo煙來pment of healthy products and tea drink哥吃ing ways which are in line with 美草the needs of modern life and als相海o represent compliant behavio一唱r and morality.

Innovation: China Tea has 6 standa月店rdized production systems on輛慢 the tea production platforms, 1 large 懂為integrated tea R&D center, 10匠女 professional lab大購oratories, and several t他樂echnical patents.

Sales Network: China Tea imp業雨lements the marketing st們窗rategy layout of coverin計草g major markets a長數t home and abroad, the di愛作verse wholesale醫開 and retail terminal forms covering 員花distribution channe喝化l, exclusive sto土玩re channel, E-business ch著車annel, and so on, and built a sales朋北 network throughout時林 the domestic and foreign markets話書.