
SASAC Dynamics

The People's Dai計間ly published a sign謝還ed article by Xi個他ao Yaqing: Deepening t會司he reform of St校見ate-owned Enterprises

Release time:2018-05-30

Comrade Xi Jinping, in the report市也 delivered in the 19th他事 National Congress of th兒地e Communist Party of China, st內市ressed that we should improve 民村all kinds of manage個和ment systems for森暗 state-owned asset得年s, reform the aut妹長horization management sy雜雜stem of state-owned cap電吃ital, speed up the layout optimiza票會tion, structural adju國身stment and strategic r工市estructuring of the state-owned econ請算omy, promote the value maintenance and家謝 increase of state-owned店熱 assets, drive state-owned capital to 化照become stronger科內, better and bigger, and effecti線工vely avoid the loss of子喝 state-owned assets ; deepen the re跳快form of state-owned enter兒章prises, develop the 錯子mixed-ownership economy,好科 and foster world-class enterp外農rises with global 也動competitiveness. This is the major d北下eployment made by the CPC Centr去煙al Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinpin購房g as the core, over 離綠the reform of state-owned ente鐘國rprises at a new historical st章一arting point, pointing out the d妹都irection of the r行場eform of state-owned ent麗不erprises in the new era, a什是nd providing th美章e fundamental ideas.

Profoundly understanding 知妹the great signific弟朋ance of deepening the reform這我 of state-owned enterprises

State-owned enterprises內國 are an important force in promo東子ting the modernizati睡朋on of the country and safeguar做光ding the common interests of the p玩土eople, and also important material a笑錢nd political foundation 呢線for the developm呢間ent of the party and the state化月. It is of great significance to deepe微文n the reform of state-owned enterprises哥弟, make state-owned 可村capital become stronger, better and我了 bigger, uphold and dev也機elop socialism wi拍窗th Chinese characteristics, and我文 achieve the "Two Centenary Goals”.

Deepening the r文影eform of state-owned enterprise關歌s is an inevitable req愛遠uirement to adher也城e to and develop soci照些alism with Chinese characterist鄉道ics. Socialism with Chinese ch街市aracteristics is場都 the theme of al數門l of the Party's theory and practice si資好nce the reform and opening up, while th年多e basic economic 我做system, with public ownership as the議有 main body and diverse f睡從orms of ownership for common dev也頻elopment of the economy, 的劇is an important part of the socialist費花 system with Chinese characterist劇來ics. It is the fundamental 北她requirement of uphold看器ing and improving the睡筆 basic economic system 議計and also the inev謝放itable requirement 工雜of insisting on and developing soc物數ialism with Chinese chara水風cteristics to deepen the 開拍reform of state-owned enterprises, im章現prove efficienc線對y, increase energy, 冷玩and develop the state-owned econ樂民omy. Since the 18th National Co音愛ngress of the Communist Party of China什自, under the guidance of the spiri他會t of a series of important speeches畫鐘 and the new concept, new idea筆山s and new strategy of照金 administrating country and店暗 governing government of Comrade Xi Jin什文ping, major progress has been mad算村e in the reform of state-owned enter的來prises, for example, the top南笑 design of "1+ N" files was c影友ompleted, the "ten pilo南廠t reform projects” were advanced d姐說eeply, the major reform measures 在市were implemented an山舞d took effect, the instit不門ution and mechanism of state-o小紅wned enterprises were chang計海ed significantly and integrated w校長ith the market ec大請onomy more closel為下y, the scaled strength and competit長動iveness were further e吃離nhanced, and the state-owned eco畫線nomy played a dominant role eff物體ectively. By the end of 2016, the tot理錯al assets of state-owned enterp人村rises (excluding船鐵 state-owned financial and這器 cultural enterprises) 樂跳reached RMB 154.9 trillion yuan, incr火好eased by 73.1% than that at the end o匠飛f 2012, 82 state-o視數wned enterprises were in厭資cluded in Fortune 500. But it should a窗男lso be seen that state-owne讀女d enterprises still have p都開roblems such as un區那balanced reform, unsound in子數stitution or mechanism and unreasonabl師作e layout structure. We mu船書st push forward the re風自form and development of st個理ate-owned enterprises with 還下more determination and more s鐵文trength, to form the state-owned asse醫坐ts management system, modern enter廠線prise system, and market operation mech但喝anism which more meet the requi喝外rements of socialism 少近with Chinese characteristic相白s in the new era.

Deepening the reform of state-owned ent下技erprises is a major task to ach銀內ieve the "two 10照地0-year struggle goals", i.e., in 2020 a遠日 well-off society is built in一務 all respects and the first 10地睡0-year goal is rea熱高lized, and then a new jou鐘來rney to all-round construction照喝 of a socialist mode森窗rn country is started to strive to achi林務eve the second 100-ye司制ar goal. In this his內地torical process, state-但厭owned enterprises窗姐 are important in sta新一tus, key for ro關國le and irreplaceabl長理e. Since the 18th National C慢笑ongress of the C制照ommunist Party of China, state-ow短匠ned enterprises have carried out the n報嗎ew development conc討放ept, and really impl如人emented the political, eco飛民nomic and social responsibilit術又y around the overall layout of promoti時的ng the "five-in-one” plan as a校就 whole and coordina對南ting the strategic layout of "f黑個our comprehensive", playing an impor醫器tant role. State-owned enterprises 樂長have obtained a group of sy也唱mbolic major scie月地ntific and technologic費時al innovation achieveme湖問nt with the worl道笑d's advanced leve音間l, in manned spacef音靜light, lunar ex歌也ploration projec明麗t, deep sea exp市玩loration, high-speed railway, commercia看習l aircraft, UHV power tran也笑smission and trans對通formation, mobile communications and ot鐵少her fields, and under飛用taken a batch of maj快讀or infrastructure and public 海作service engineering and many major靜你 project in the science a你市nd technology and industry for nati照冷onal defense, revealin聽女g the strength an什雨d undertaking a科喝s pillar of pow城跳er. In the new historica謝對l period, the reform 還筆and development飛刀 of state-owned enterprises must 朋快be in resonance with 線白the realization of the "two 100-y子技ear goals" and in the same directio視購n as the people's yearning for a技坐 better life. This is the glorious mis信票sion and histor鄉吧ical responsibili樂費ty that state-owned enterprises 師女must shoulder.

Deepening the refor畫上m of state-owned enterprises is an我計 objective requirement to pro短動mote the sustainable and healthy de雪影velopment of our econ藍長omy. At present, th樂們e Chinese development presents n木兒ew staged features, and冷美 the developmen快答t speed, structure and power o懂哥f the economic development a都妹lso show new featu懂筆res under the new normal. 離妹State-owned ent月學erprises are the 術通representative of China's advanced pr車商oductive force,區習 national comprehens見場ive strength and international comp對音etitiveness, have strong influence o還靜n the industries, and play an impo北白rtant leading ro跳司le in adapting to and leading業喝 the new normal o湖作f the economic development and promotin計去g the supply-side structural re我舞form. Since the 18th 影件National Congress of the Com了錢munist Party of China, state-書信owned enterprises have been u水子pholding the overall tone of making 了房progress while maintaining stability,舞友 firmly adhering to子知 highlighting main business, vigorously他風 developing the real economy, i車話mplementing the five線白 priority tasks of "overcapa業樂city reduction, de-stocking, delevera空靜ging, cost reduction, and improving und我商erdeveloped areas", deeply c男場arrying out weight子飛 loss and fitness plus quality an我醫d efficiency improv有票ement, vigorously rest呢習ructuring and mergi鐵分ng, actively developing the strategi的靜c emerging industries, solving th視醫e excess capacity, 志謝disposing of "zombie" com不北panies, and strongl大暗y promoting the transformation a就慢nd upgrading of t房鐵he national economy, so as to make posi村火tive contributions to the sus鐘有tainable and healthy develop習件ment of China’s economy.火睡 In the new stage of development, w影生e must further deepen the reform 房一of state-owned enterprises, promote車報 the layout optimization, stru討鐵ctural adjustment 坐校and strategic restructurin老讀g of state-owned economy, state-員你owned capital and state-owne弟草d enterprises, to achieve the developm煙睡ent with higher街放 quality, more benefit and 長玩better structure, and effective視哥 play a leading role in promot不費ing China’s economy with通的 high speed growth and市看 on a higher level.

Keep the correct directio子大n of deepening th劇房e reform of state-owned enterpr藍東ises

To further implement 人分the major deployment of the 19t費哥h National Congress of訊友 the Communist Party子木 of China for the reform of sta日兒te-owned enterprises, it is ke鐘體y for us to further study and under了現stand Comrade Xi Jinping's 術媽important thoughts about the refo她銀rm and development of state-o笑會wned enterprises and fir間高mly grasp the ri綠鄉ght direction of t也了he reform.

We should adhere to and impro要問ve the basic economic sy上錯stem by unswervingly con木文solidating and developing the public ow哥什nership economy, unswervingly enco土員uraging, supporting and guiding t站微he development of the non-public owner民間ship economy; by upholding the d筆熱ominant role of the public ownershi是畫p economy, playing the leading店看 role of the state-owned e得畫conomy and becoming sta吧章te-owned enterprise s場厭tronger, better and bigger; by acti城科vely promoting the cro校但ss-shareholding得們 and mutual confluence of state-owned 分一capital, collective capital, and priv線在ate capital, developing the mixed-o得信wnership economy, and promoting var路制ious types of capita海靜l under different ownership sy門大stems with complementing each o農鐵ther, mutual pr呢銀omotion and commo有裡n development.

We should adhere to the 公民reform direction of the socialist m年些arket economy by following the 著腦rules of market economy and t間就he law of enterprise develo又道pment, insisting on separ如影ating government functions fro些報m enterprise management, separa間愛ting administration fro請物m finance, and separating ownership fr數自om operating right, and also unify友明ing rights, obligations and respo南如nsibilities, so as to c很裡ause state-owne雜了d enterprise to re城物ally become ind場些ependent market en著湖tities with independent management, ass南上uming sole respo湖又nsibility for loss and prof你制it, bearing own risks, self-restraint,好湖 and self-development and 風麗speed up the const海可ruction of the modern state員家-owned enterprise system wit快有h Chinese characteristic門河s.

We should adhere to the呢紙 standards of emancipating and dev土體eloping productive forces. We shou開影ld meet the requirements of keep關討ing beneficial for value maintenanc為嗎e and increase o數電f state-owned assets, enhance th醫件e competitiveness of the state-owned 校裡economy, enlarge the functions 不志of state-owned capital, st的通rive to break the institutional 小時or mechanism obstacles of constra要輛ining the development of state-owned 不票enterprises around 子車increasing vita長都lity and improving 通熱efficiency, per綠購fect the incentive and const對來raint mechanism, 去通and give play to the enthu業司siasm, initiative and術喝 creativity of all kinds of talents做麗 of state-owned enterprises.

We should adhere用報 to the combinatio生區n of enhanced vitality and 影紅strengthened supervision. To enhance 醫很the vitality is the essent技劇ial requirements of runnin樹明g state-owned ente師光rprises well, and strengthen s很通upervision is the importan放議t guarantee for running state-owned en技校terprises well. It 長通is necessary to deal 相她with their rela如如tionship and achi說南eve their organic unity.妹要 We should accelerate the establi計就shment of an effective corpora刀人te governance structure讀小 with effective che器少cks and balances, a flexible and黃路 efficient market-base老頻d operation mechanism, and i湖長mplement the property righ相呢ts and independent mana人船gement operating 著紙rights of enterprise 為相entities in accord黃一ance with the law; further 體個improve the supervision system ove短習r state-owned en雜購terprises, protect the value maintenan數黃ce and increase of state-owned asset分很s, and effective懂風ly prevent the lo體腦ss of state-owned 她南assets.

We should adhere to 歌厭the party's leadership over state-own行信ed enterprises. Adhering to t做熱he party's leadership over state-ow體街ned enterprises is a major politi地短cal principle and must b音話e implemented consistent在物ly. The establishment我說 of the modern enter日如prise system is 如姐the reform direction of暗體 state-owned enterpris空頻es and must be implemented consistentl謝藍y, too. To internally embed the e光黃nterprise party organizati坐器on in the corporate gove用村rnance structure, the船市 enterprise party committe但日e (party group) shoul白媽d play the leading role, guiding th件關e direction, controlling the overa們藍ll situation, and guaranteeing th你討e implementation. We sho器外uld insist on the party’s票城 supervision over姐算 the party members and impos分舞ing strict discipline on the party me短跳mbers, intensifying the&nbs風內p; basic-level party o地員rganization of state-owned enterprise這劇s, and advancing the party's cultivat遠門ion of clean government and anti-co北我rruption work, st計媽rengthening the co鐘技nstruction of leadership group 短男and talent team, and stri是問ving to cultivate花行 a high-quality team o場房f enterprise leaders who a跳化re loyal to the pa年了rty, brave to innova內什te, skillful in governing enter民視prise, promising in devel通家oping enterprise錢音, and clean and non-corrupt.