
Oolong Tea Division

Xiamen Tea Import and Export Co., Ltd

Company Profile行到
Xiamen Tea Import and Expo數作rt Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to a到信s "China Tea in紙一 Xiamen") produces m訊關ore than 150 varieties for 6 majo你區r tea categories.

"Seawall", as a r樂機egistered trademark for se資視ries products of China Te吧舊a in Xiamen, has a history of mo海和re than half a century. The場分 seawall, indicated in the trademark,著算 used to be the only access to the outs她站ide world for Xiamen Islan器拍d. It connected t外區he island with the mainland and 好數is one of the most famous geographica樂費l indications for Xiamen.

Seawall has won many hon術睡ors such as "China Time-honored B電員rand", "Fujian Famous-brand Product" 資是and "Fujian Famous 請外Trademark". Seawall-branded t謝錢ea has been exported 花去to 58 countries and regions影房 around the world and is popula厭舞r with consumers at hom還窗e and abroad.

Seawall: As a popula她房r national brand of窗哥 Chinese tea, Seawall focuse你裡s on building its core 朋得brand value of "trustwor知友thy and affordable te資放a for ordinary people". In the c務問ore consumption markets of 可內Oolong tea in sou火電thern Fujian and eastern Guangdon謝月g, the brand of "Seawall友雪" is deeply rooted 哥志in the hearts of the pe微書ople as the first brand of market 開不consumption.

Seawall, representing th北來e dedication of Yu Gong and insi購綠stence of Jing Wei, is a symbol of Xi線慢amen's communica機男tion with the world. Seawall embr機是aces mountains, 務從sea and sky, and connects island, m通南ainland and the world. Seawall holds th樹紅e Chinese tea cultur為長e firmly and connects Xiamen to the w國呢hole world closely.

Seawall has deeply rooted in t鐵哥he hearts of Chinese拿木 people around the world, and become th雨笑e glory of "Made in Eg弟多ret Island" reco內間rded in the his視作tory books. Seawall 友動tea once was the "ancestor" of Chin計相ese Oolong tea to go to t靜低he world after travel with 秒呢the forefathers女這 worldwide crossi在相ng the sea, winning fame in the world;年都 now, Seawall tea continues 為兒to lead the new trend of tea p暗科roduction and sale外我s, setting sail newly, expand下化ing new territory, and spreading new 輛師fashion.
Business Layout
Possessing the key link of the了服 value chain of the tea industry, Ch開男ina Tea in Xiamen has strong 花通control ability over supp購場liers and distributors. 你雜Its brands have considerable influenc訊金e in the core market and complete ma子信rket channels, among which, the 樂討traditional wholesale ch劇從annel accounts for 47%光銀, the exclusive store channel for 34%機資, shop & supermar藍生ket, e-commerce and group-buyin爸船g channels for 7%, and internation我錯al business for 12%.

As a professional t事睡ea brand operator focusing on Oolong員一 tea and black tea, China Tea in Xi紅答amen has improved the innova長就tive ability for products and service愛木s and set up a system integ愛麗rating high-, medium-,場訊 and low-end products by st雜從rengthening to con電化trol over the high q行花uality resources工為 of oolong tea and black tea, becoming 商車a leader in the 購兒field of oolong te車山a and black tea.

China Tea in Xiamen不靜 constructed different business 生訊channels to meet the market吃相 demand of different segments, includi不林ng: traditional wholesale chann外森el, exclusive store channel (dire習區ct-sale and franchise stores)林笑, shop & supermarket c聽生hannel, group-buying channel, e-commer空亮ce channel, and internatio習河nal business chann作光el, and has established more錯不 than 13,000 outlets.
Contact Us

China Tea Co. Ltd.

  No.160 Hubin Middle Road, X討區iamen City, Fujian Province, Chi見近na