
Puer Tea Division

China Tea (Guangxi) Co., Ltd.

Company Profile

China Tea (Guangxi) Co., Ltd. (he朋白reinafter referred to as “C家媽hina Tea in Guangxi”) and its s湖從ubsidiary China Tea (W弟小uzhou) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred 路靜to as “China Tea in可明 Wuzhou”) mainly operate sale雪站s business of Li讀相u Pao Tea in Na行民nning and other ar地土eas. China Tea in Wuzhou wa懂都s established in 2007 as a 那些trade enterprise at the begi吧討nning to undertake the domestic sales醫請 and export business of Liu Pao Te區說a from the original Guangxi W如林uzhou Tea Import and Export Company. I筆個t started running in 外內March 2008, and transformed i會快nto a production enterprise in Jan腦木uary 2009 so th那對at all the business has been re分子built according to the 南著mode of production enterpr姐劇ises which has been 計中gradually perfected step by ste外去p.

China Tea in Wuzhou was fo購草rmerly known as Wuzh答那ou Branch of China T了生ea Corporation which was founded in No服冷vember 1953, and it was renamed as木高 Wuzhou Office of Guangxi Branch of 舊樂China Tea Corporat科她ion in January 1954.錯拿 From 1954 to 1988, its na說煙me was changed f了票or several times, but it had been eng請些aged in the production and export of 資黑Liu Pao Tea. On 玩窗January 5, 1988, W了錢uzhou Tea Import and Export Co., Ltd. w綠文as formally established. Affiliated 地音to China National Produce對山 and Animal By-p一風roducts Import and Export Cor我東poration, it has specializ好樂ed in the production an要愛d export of Liu Pao Tea in Guangxi. It子什 can be said that the Li的內u Pao Tea indust購生ry can survive to date, Wuzhou 白鐘Tea Import and Export Company contri物師buted a lot. The hist空頻ory of Wuzhou T匠海ea Import and Ex店鐵port Company is the epit她工ome of the development history of Li科們u Pao Tea in China. Tod飛器ay, China Tea in Wuzhou h知門as inherited the glorious tradition o內做f Wuzhou Tea Import and Export 書照Company and wil商煙l continue to deduce the future of花自 the Liu Pao Tea industry o現業f Guangxi.

Since its establishmen男我t, China Tea in Wuzhou has not only b訊遠ecome a leading離會 enterprise among t煙懂he local tea companies,雪藍 but also made contributi謝都ons to making Liu Pao Te醫器a go out of China and to說火 the world afte內議r the development of more than了關 60 years.

During its development, a什謝lthough the name and organi唱謝zation of the compa時高ny have been changed for m請廠any times, it has 但學been engaged in 爸行the production and ex兒靜port of Liu Pao Tea, without interru坐湖ption. [ChinaTea Cellared Liu Pao Tea]行輛 is the inheritor of the Chinese Liu計草 Pao tea technology, the爸船 promoter of the Liu Pao tea cultur還呢e, and the leader 街姐of the Liu Pao tea in子南dustry. After more than 60 ye間作ars of continuous develop雪歌ment, [ChinaTea Cellared Liu Pao Tea人業] has inherited the tradit算城ional cellaring process for Liu P綠生ao tea and been exported t了公o Southeast Asia, Japan, Hong 算家Kong, Macao and Taiwan and other re章器gions as popula書要r tea famous overseas. Since 200錯樹8, [ChinaTea Cellared Liu Pa子費o Tea] entered int跳樹o the domestic market with a new拿坐 attitude. Under COFCO’s strategi愛外c guidance of "the whole industry c廠技hain", a strict and complete system has長線 been set up from技章 raw material to product launch. In 開話2018, China Tea in Wuzhou will set 很來up a new processing plant and森放 put it into operation, to fur學拿ther expand the production scale an村鐵d move towards a m了文ore mechanized,海遠 clean, automated and visualized d東算irection. Now, many produ子用cts of China Tea in Wuzhou have b中通een sold well at home and abroad and a冷務re deeply loved by pe近森ople all over the是亮 world.
Contact Us

China Tea (Guangxi) Co., Ltd.

   No制山. 7 Dachongli, Qianjian Road, Wanxiu腦草 District, Wuzho窗白u City, Guangxi P光山rovince, China