
Green Tea Division

China Tea (Anhui) Co., Ltd.

Company Profile

China Tea (Anhui) Co., Ltd. (he弟民reinafter referred to as "China習拍 Tea in Anhui") is mainly r不厭esponsible for development分又, utilization, reso窗近urce integration, and network construc睡制tion of characteristic quality tea v作東arieties produced in Anhu雪年i such as green tea,商他 yellow tea, black tea如北, and dark tea.

China Tea in Anhui i呢請ntroduced the tea quality問也 standards that consumers can i制笑dentify and launc舊女hed the sub-brand H南妹ui Mountain Bazhen to integrate g機一reat achievements of famous tea in An照會hui after in-depth research o車體n such comprehensive話知 dimensions as soil, clim對也ate, vegetation, tea輛新 tree species, processing tech裡開nology, and cultural environment.民商 Hui Mountain Bazhen tea is produc匠愛ed with fresh leaves of historic村習al famous tea varieties including Houku愛報i, Guapian, Maofeng, and Qihong 就看which have been ex明答amined in the mark間慢et for more than 1小路00 years and manu文相ally picked up i道在n a limited core moun美錯tain tea plantations and from Ching M自信ing (5th solar term) and Grain Ra銀如in (6th solar term), i.e. during的資 early and middl務畫e spring. After 話相combination of the modern pr著著ocessing technology a木刀nd equipment with可算 the traditional process, it maintai計如ns the traditional flavor but also就鐘 increases the pro畫你duction efficien風科cy and the content of scie如上nce and technology, so as t頻高o strive to become a leader這不 of the brand sets of multiple tea c資林ategories.

China Tea in Anhui will main對子ly adopt the co資自operative marketing with individual森電s and enterprises in all cities withi器愛n the province, which have strong str我暗ength, rich experience, sales outlet a妹舞nd marketing kn刀了owledge to give p姐見lay to the competitive advantages 長有of product mix of Hui Mountai輛是n Bazhen tea sp匠動ecies and combination of multiple 友笑tea categories of 畫票China Tea. It es爸現tablished its offline sales n拿場etwork across Anhui Provinc慢綠e and also the united Inter議器net platform to interact, com自姐municate and share with c頻謝ustomers by implementin舞不g the plan of 1,000 stores and 1,000 物讀counters.
Business Layout
The Company will give play to the 要用competitive advant風風ages of combination of multiple tea服草 categories of China Tea, cooperate w師民ith individuals an湖問d enterprises which have str輛長ong strength, rich experi答如ence, sales outlet and marketin校什g knowledge in various regions 作購and cities inside and outs呢業ide Anhui Province by implementin什這g the plan of 1,000 stores an行時d 1,000 counters, and est日化ablish its offline sale科服s network across喝知 Anhui Province and also the united In中劇ternet platform to interact, communicat錢視e and share with cu人快stomers.
Contact Us

China Tea (Anhu視說i) Co., Ltd.

   Room 爸女1607, Jinyu International Of路道fice Building, We厭視st of Cooperation體來 Road, Shushan District, Hefe女水i City, Anhui Province, China