
Business Activity

Business Activi見姐ty

2018 Tea Health and Safety作綠 Conference was held in Fuz見有hou City, Fujian Province, China

Release time:2018-07-23

On March 10, 2018, China Tea Oolon去們g Tea Division held the Tea H民刀ealth and Safety 算報Conference in Fuzhou City, Fujia東劇n Provicne, China, and this is the s志男eventeenth consecuti雜信ve year that China 熱銀Tea held Tea Health些慢 and Safety Conference. In J路大une 2017, China Tea formed four major 數老divisions, i.e., Oolong Tea女文 Division, Puer T機麗ea Division, Black Te弟理a Division and 生店Green Tea Divis報哥ion to realize 空兵the all-category土樂 and integrated operation so as to com火拿plete the reform of mixed ownership in 老物accordance with the requirements of the知不 State-owned Assets Supervision and Adm行報inistration Commission a相日nd COFCO Group, thus to 工事implement the overall layout of "integ不線ration" and "a board of chess"新紙. More than 200 peopl也線e attended the meeting, including秒城 suppliers, customer representatives, 低這delegates from 輛光government departments and media 用雨of China Tea in Fujian,聽放 China Tea in Xiamen and China作校 Tea in Quanzhou.

At the Conference, Luo Xinghuo,購上 person in charge of purchasing兒可 business of Oolon司身g Tea Division and Depu民女ty General Manager of China Tea 朋子in Fujian, indicated 慢子that in 2018, Oo體從long Tea Division, China金靜 Tea will strengthen the quali見為ty and safety work in several家商 aspects such as adherence to the domes行都tic and foreign food saf那頻ety standards, source c都用ontrol over pesticide r喝和esidues at tea growing, constr務問uction of quality and 森金safety risk control al志鐵ong the whole industry chain.草但 The Tea Health and Safety Conference i土音s hoped to actively promote COFCO知訊’s management philosoph媽舊y of "industry chain and good products"說術 and make joint efforts to pro樹廠mote the sustainable and heal道計thy development of the tea industry.

Chen Xuequn, Head of Foodstuff De路新pratment, Fuzhou Entry-exit Inspe熱上ction and Quarantine B玩空ureau, pointed out in舊有 his speech, that China T線唱ea in Fujian worked compr下司ehensively and effectively in 服場terms of tea health and safety control,相有 reached the inspection qualifi錯錯ed rate of exported products up 照火to 100%, and played a very good l厭來eading and exemplary role in th物視e promotion and development of the妹化 tea industry as a key 喝到leading enterprise for agricultur微做al industrialization in Fujian Provin大音ce.

Wang Xin, Principal Staff Member of Pl河玩anting Management Offi得草ce of Fujian Provincial Agricultu書在re Department int拿內roduced the development situat相村ion of the tea industry in F南明ujian in 2017, for example, the p白藍rovincial tea industry continu火快ed to maintain steady這這 growth; the raw tea車又 output reached 452,000 tons, up 坐歌6% on a year on 業草year (YOY) basis; the outp弟化ut value was RMB 23.5 billion, u內坐p 8% on a YOY basis; and both th熱線ese two items ranked the first in Chi一機na. In 2018, to implement the conce湖們pt of green development 行也proposed in the 聽志report of the 19th National Con中多gress of the Communist Party of China妹如, the tea industry will carry out the s視那pecial action of advocating tea 亮照gardens to not use chemical pesticides 在科in Fujian to create the green deve子民lopment model in the tea indu船土stry. 

Chen Di from Fuzhou Entr村師y-exit Inspection and Qua下了rantine Bureau shared th對近e Export Tea Dynamics in 2017, Sun Weij懂錯iang, Professor and Doctoral Superv對地isor of Fujian Agriculture and Fore唱來stry University delivered the spe長湖ech tilted the New 離劇Dynamics and Countermeasures of Tea 靜但Quality and Safety, Hu Yicai,要舊 Deputy General Manager of事光 Zhangzhou Enjoy Argr見答icultural Technology Co., Lt音謝d. shared the Comprehens筆街ive Understandin裡相g of Diseases an土工d Insect Pests in Safe Tea Garden and鄉亮 Analysis of Cause of Excessive Pestici小線de Residues, aiming at explaini學書ng the industry countermeasures o嗎離f the tea industry development i高計n Fujian to tea們木 suppliers and far慢學mers in Fujian, introducing the latest 外房requirements for pesticid書雨e residues and t厭做he latest technology to p放師revent and control技車 pesticide resid呢厭ues in Japan, the European U老拿nion and China, improving the服了 source prevention and control話信 of pesticide residues, and realizing "中這controllable source, monitorable到喝 process, and assured quality 吃吃".

Wei Saiming, Deputy General M東用anager of China Tea, Vice Gene自書ral Manager of Oolong 花線Tea Division of China Tea, an用喝d General Manager of China Tea in Fuji志視an, delivered a concluding sp城間eech.With combination of 內務the key points of quality and safet靜從y work of COFCO a銀車nd China Tea in 2018, he pointed從看 out that 2018 is a year fo喝坐r COFCO to implemente i大體ts quality and safety resp白腦onsibility, so China南弟 Tea would adhere to the業照 concept of life fir雨子st and safety first, to討風 lay a solid management foundation in 美年accordance with the require國現ments and deploymen妹到t of the Party Committee 藍哥of the Group, to extert the s著生tandardized management of quality來醫 and safety at e煙草ach link and node a謝吧long the industry chain,去拿 to further effectively control pest店資icide residues on tea from the source,師開 to make the quality and safety man裡現agement take in the forefron多要t of the Chinese問農 tea industry and lead the de房道velopment of the風遠 tea industry, to transfer the b男拿rand proporsition of "National Drink 討也ChinaTea", thus to provide consumers好書 with enjoyable way of tea一術 life, and natural, green, healt水匠hy, safe, and high quality tea produ內西cts.

In an interview with reporters, We呢厭i Saiming expressed關吧 that China Tea would continue to manag大拿e and control the tea sanitary時雨 safety, promote the g可人rowth of high quali生美ty, and combine 章腦with the overseas market layout impleme房低nted according t會分o the Belt and Road ini從高tiative, and so on.

China News Agency, of F匠大ujian TV Statio空嗎n, Fuzhou TV station, 很刀Fuzhou Evening News, ww舞視w.fjsen.com, peopl報身e.com.cn, Strait News, Xiamen TV Sta很他tion, Xiamen Daily跳術, Xiamen Evening News, Su訊機n News and other media reported the姐通 conference.