
Business Activity

Business Activity

China Tea in Fujian held the 2對友017 Annual Meeting of Manage銀票rs and Summary & Recognition Con章章ference.

Release time:2018-07-23

From 17 to 18, January, 2018, Chi一內na Tea in Fujian問聽 held the 2017 Annual Reporting and A自員ppraisal Meeting她看 of Managers with the theme紙聽 of "Challenging new heights w要謝ithout limits and restarting店如 after adjustment". The ma樹校nagement team, assistants and 又唱above from all departments, processin金中g factories, and base companies atten海遠ded the meeting.

The meeting was started by Gen術懂eral Manager Wei高來 Saiming, who pointed out that with the輛紅 joint efforts of all manage美南rs and staff, th在訊e company’s scale and村地 efficiency hit a new record hi窗月gh respectively in 201風土7 and 2016, and well comp厭術leted the objectives of the first year 時照for the purpose "do路慢ubling in three years"! Happi日車ness is achieved through hard work雨商. However, achievements can only repre得讀sent the past. In 2018, we should歌見 re-start to face 著弟more severe challenges as require商用d by COFCO and 月訊China Tea Group. Mr. Wei also hoped事嗎 that all managers can consol可近idate their successfu報笑l experience via summary and re生報flection, find out the existing defici女見encies, rearrange th拿放eir thinking, and formulate和志 the next goal and a綠自ction plan.

On the meeting, a tota雨你l of 38 managers resp北唱ectively reported t你生heir main work done in 2017, exist著如ing problems and th南喝eir countermeasures, and main w大姐orking plan for 去機2018. The person-in來小-charge of each division ac道體knowledged their work done 書影in 2017, and put forward targ分妹eted working suggestions and requiremen睡綠ts for managers.

By the closing of the meeting, G現花eneral Manager Wei p秒冷ointed out that 2017 was a year 科飛of hard work and a yea樹好r of bumper harv一樂est. Although there were s藍村till some shortco拿玩mings, we will be able to set out 月姐again in a better attitude and 銀問challenge the new h我的igh again as long as訊校 we can directly face and rectify th校器em. Mr. Wei also raised現信 the following five requiremen村了ts: Firstly, we should carry out理草 all work in accordance with the r外白ules and regulations, and every departm樹窗ent and each emp西知loyee should control various唱醫 risks. Secondly路商, we should make clear 拿生the Company's 2018 budget target of op友行eration scale of RMB 400 mil校城lion and make grea用身t efforts for it. Thirdly, we sho腦冷uld do a good job in the trainin章秒g and introduction of talents, c得都ultivate subordinates笑大, and establish a more perfect salary 厭吃management system 是問and incentive mechanis跳見m for talents. Fourthly, we should聽去 stand at the overal國年l height of China Tea, realize int現站ernal and extern讀習al, upstream and downstream 司好cooperation, clarify the d都低ivision of labor, and promote 什匠the development of the compa照他ny. Fifthly, we should hav白草e responsibility, in如動tegrity, morality, broad-mind, a動放nd dedication in our work, and c廠小arry out our work w你算ith our thought 但見and realm.

On the afternoon of 是計January 19, 2017, China T短些ea in Fujian held the 2017 Annua拿身l Work Summary and Recognition M村坐eeting.

On the meeting, Chen用海 Jinchun, Deputy General Manager, 木路comprehensively and briefly analyze習時d the Company’s operation, main work an如對d countermeasures to pro路他blems existing in 2017, 麗理as well as and the decompo暗關sition of budget indexes and key wo草公rk arrangement in 2018, in th銀知e form of chart, picture, figure 事她and others.

By the closing of the meeting, Mr. We話畫i pointed out that China Tea in Fujian 紙化hit a new high in 2017, brea路事king through the operating scale of 路東RMB 320 million and inc聽理reasing the efficiency by 靜什159%, and such ac飛用hievement was recognized h自內ighly by the Party Commi煙報ttee of China Tea. 少拿This is the resul電照t of, hard struggle, overcoming dif木議ficulty, synergistic collaborat裡為ion, and joint efforts of all s鐘子taff. In the comi一現ng new year, we will unswervingly striv來男e to achieve th近人e goal of "doubling in 舞男3 years and quad拍火rupling in 5 years" 樂道of China Tea under the overall la樹雪yout of "integration" and "a board o光計f chess".

At the meeting, General Mana個頻ger Wei Saiming issued certificates長用 to those who were rated a個雨s the Advanced Group, E低文xcellent Manager and Adva林南nced Employees in 2和遠017.

Those employees with more than裡光 30 years’ exper器去ience of working in the Company were al生城so presented souvenirs at the me動微eting. Mr. Wei commented慢信 that a person c畫裡an serve a company and keep loyalty是務 to a company for 30 years in his/話草her short life of放北 career for several樹我 decades, is very 請光not easy. He ho著西pes that more and more young peopl黑做e can aspire to engage in雜喝 the development of the Com遠我pany and China T拿紅ea, so as to make ou男公r development course handed do村喝wn from generation to gener對電ation!