
Business Overview


China Tea (Hunan) Co., Ltd.

Company Profile

China Tea (Hunan) Co., Ltd.友靜, formerly known as山件 Hunan Tea Import & Export C問歌ompany, China National Produc我新e and Animal By-products 書器Import and Export Corporation, whic能近h was establish去吧ed in 1950, is one of靜讀 national leading enterprise民老s for agricultural industrializ這水ation and high-t現頻ech enterprises匠錢 in Hunan Province. It has 來一been rated as China Top 100 Tea Enterpr話見ise and TOP 5 Te畫北a Processing Enterprise in Huna見電n Province for many years.

The company has well-known brands for個黑 domestic and oversea sales上樹 such as China Tea •你高Wooden Warehouse, Monkey King,地章 Ship of Desert笑農, Bailong, and China Tea • 資喝Wuling Green. It has deve技做loped into a modernized電明 comprehensive 花司tea enterprise integ船弟rating tea production and processing,讀很 marketing, brandi行綠ng, tea culture spreadi很知ng, and tea-based tourism, and 器兵connecting the upstream and down北問stream of the tea industry.

The Company owns more than 20 te呢快a planting bases inc唱答luding Anhua Yuntai M些嗎ountain Tea Farm, and its ow錯習n processing plant, Anhua 見子First Tea Facto慢從ry. With strong technical force a志書nd stable production capacity, it ha子錯s exported its pro討火ducts to Russia, the European Uni我制on, North America, Central Asi到文a, the Middle Eas資短t, Africa and other countries畫從 and regions, set up representative off冷嗎ices in Russia, Mauritania, an開劇d Algeria, and al通少so established friendly trade r人錢elations with more than 100 tea im西線port and export traders. A se飛女ries of dark tea products of Chi站金na Tea •Wooden Wareh門車ouse, one of the Company’s 答子brands for domestic sale, has increased數靜 the sales in the d區房omestic market and won awards for years購年, ChinaTea-branded Dark Tea Tianjia外山n and Dark Tea Brick r中子espectively won the go雨多ld medal and silver medal in t東件he Fourth China 媽線International Tea Fair, 答舊ChinaTea-branded Quji還這ang River Tea Slice and King 有花of Fucha respectively won the 也唱gold medal and silver medal in th農爸e Fifth China International Te公女a Fair, ChinaTea-branded Black Ca購綠pital Brick and 日志Black Brick won the gold medal大區 and silver medal道著 in the 2009 Shanghai T窗歌ea Expo respectively.

The brand Monkey King was awarded "秒些China Well-known Trademark", "Chi子如nese Famous Agricult雪家ural Product", "Hunan Famous Tr得站ademark", and "Assured Popula舊讀r Tea Brand fro雜線m National Three-Green購見 Project". In order to明老 ensure product quality and mee動舊t the requirements of moder線件n food safety and hea現訊lth, the Company inves匠呢ted RMB 15 million in int著頻roducing the world's ad麗身vanced fully automatic w黑厭eighing & packaging equi樹個pment from Japan and 道筆the United States,就子 and also built the vertical close腦坐d processing production line 在雪with intelligent control, integrat湖場ing tea blendin熱間g, impurity removal, weighing, and pa為報ckaging, so as to ensure冷鐘 product safety and health and pro場鄉vide healthy, natural,吃購 and pollution-free pure 遠秒drink. In addition, the Company has 下睡also set up China Technology &am影了p; Innovation Cent路信er for Flower Tea, to inhe房北rit the value advanta離讀ges of Monkey King, devel生說op new products and deepen 近站the existing market pattern; expand刀他 channels with a new brand image, occu生技py terminal; and build the first br內路and of Chinese flowe煙吧r tea.
Business Layout
China Tea •Wooden Warehouse劇說 has established its d月購ark tea presence in eight major 風刀sales regions, including South Ch著拿ina, Southwest China, Ea時店st China, Central China, Nort拍廠h China, Northeast China, 頻紙Northwest China, and Be自海ijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and ne但水arly 100 Level-1劇物 distributers, with a sales net爸開work across China. Ship of Dese書高rt and Bailong b資森rand products have been exported to 時做Russia, EU, Nor路得th America, Central Asia, the Middle他拍 East, Africa and other region吧個s in the world, and 嗎鄉are deeply loved by foreign friends.信科

According to the market and p路謝roduct characteristics, Mo舊行nkey King, founded in 1950, has員照 formed five major regional sales co花子mpanies in North民請east China, North China, Nor離在thwest China, So說年uth China and Beijing-Tianjin Region弟藍, providing the pathway for brand ma你靜nagement. The marketing co你女mbination were developed 歌雪of wholesale, distr南內ibution, direct sale區紅s and exclusive sales, and almost 1樹農,000 Level-1 dealers have been esta做樂blished, forming a three-媽呢dimensional marketing n靜不etwork across the 房東provinces, cities,黃家 counties, towns of China. In理行 the field of packaged tea, 現開Monkey King flower tea product農窗s have reached a market share of mor道子e than 15%, far ahead and ranking the 書厭first in China.
Contact Us

China Tea (Hunan) Co., Ltd.

   Floor 員房9, Kaixuan Building, No.122聽不 Second Section of Fur子歌ong Middle Road, Tianxin District,劇懂 Changsha City, Hunan Provin體影ce, China