
Business Overview


Quanzhou COFCO Tea 不靜Industrial Co., Ltd.

Company Profile
Quanzhou COFCO Tea Industr外舞ial Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterp輛離rise integrating pro綠林duction, trade, and scientific員廠 research. Founded in 1995, the Com答放pany covers a land area of more than 3麗的,700 square meters and a construction雪大 area of 12,000 square meters. W分工ith nearly 100 employees, the Co明弟mpany boasts a group of professi作商onal and technical talents and man刀化agement team who are experi錯老enced and have long worked in師大 tea-related areas.

The Company has a com不銀plete set of production equipment and務花 auxiliary facilities, for章廠ming an annual processing capacity of來雜 2,000-ton tea. Since its establi微花shment, the Company has constantly你年 carried out technolo知畫gical innovation and adopte嗎訊d the advanced scientific managemen笑我t mode, to control pest愛西icide residues, heavy me小北xtals, and other factors of刀唱 raw material from the tea pl道媽anting source, which endanger the healt這服h and safety of consumers; remove 員哥non-tea inclusions by repeated s學朋creening, air separation, rock ext也音raction, electric用懂al separation, visual handpickin購請g, high magnetism testing, detecting wi員紙th mextal detector, and ot有站her processes and control means; 媽森and blend and bas下師k products scientifically, to make小裡 tea products face the market and cus文暗tomers with safe, healthy and stable 黑票high quality, which full友資y reflects the enterprise concept 亮懂of "Global trustw為月orthiness and mod放音el of tea products".

The Company mainly produces an高那d manages Oolong tea, black 廠很tea, green tea,林商 white tea, flower tea, tea ba唱雜g, tea-containi車路ng products, bag-us懂店ed tea, and compressed tea. ChinaT志吧ea-branded and Ruilong-brande吧子d tea products have won unanimo媽下us praise from domestic and fo通算reign consumers for their excellent and如我 stable quality.

At the beginning of establish公區ment, the Company passed the cert制新ification of the ISO14000 Enviro得報nment Management System, OH在花SAS18001 Occupational Health答路 and Safety Mana西文gement System, 雜慢FSSC22000 Food 費內Safety Management System and other m人明anagement systems, and al外在so formed the traceable produc綠對t quality and safety system cover是公ing tea plantation base management銀房, preliminary tea processing, 是雨refined processing, and blendi呢車ng of tea products, marking the increa暗他singly improved 下雜management of the Company.
Business Layout
Quanzhou COFCO Tea 花裡Industrial Co., Ltd. focuses on the mai場道n business of tea products, an間跳d agent sale for fast sold pro但到ducts and OEM business, and 的哥has distributed China Tea Sea公跳wall direct sale 器錢stores and chain franchise stores頻人 across the big Quanzho美地u region.
Contact Us

Quanzhou COFCO T公分ea Industrial Co., Ltd.

   No.52, 校船Fanrong Road, Fu呢畫qiao Street, Licheng District人雜, Quanzhou City, Fuj喝她ian Province, China