
Business Overview


Xiamen Tea Import and Export Co., 河吃Ltd

Company Profile
Xiamen Tea Import and Expo見區rt Co., Ltd. (hereinafter r海議eferred to as "China Te議行a in Xiamen") produces more than 150費請 varieties for 6 major tea categ行雜ories.

"Seawall", as a regis算樹tered trademark for series pr可書oducts of China Tea in Xiamen, has a 那紅history of more than就醫 half a century冷時. The seawall, indicated in the tradem志女ark, used to be the only access to 答學the outside world f吃樹or Xiamen Island.朋空 It connected t白白he island with the自知 mainland and is one慢請 of the most famous geographi美關cal indications f光窗or Xiamen.

Seawall has won many honors拿笑 such as "China T老明ime-honored Brand", "Fujian Famous-br少物and Product" and "Fujia學城n Famous Tradema什愛rk". Seawall-branded tea h學河as been exported to 58 countries and 民和regions around th科雜e world and is popular with consume紙城rs at home and abroad.

Seawall: As a popular natio計很nal brand of Chine我如se tea, Seawall focuses o短從n building its core bra自那nd value of "trus藍答tworthy and affordable tea for o地土rdinary people". In the cor知來e consumption ma來什rkets of Oolong tea in southern Fuji熱這an and eastern Guangdong,的友 the brand of "Seawall綠理" is deeply rooted in the hea弟綠rts of the people as the first子會 brand of market consumption.

Seawall, representing the dedication o煙林f Yu Gong and insistence of Jing We湖人i, is a symbol of Xiamen'業新s communication with the world. Seawal小美l embraces mountains, sea and得紅 sky, and connects island,雜事 mainland and the worl兒是d. Seawall holds the Chinese tea cultur草費e firmly and co能從nnects Xiamen to the whole w紅師orld closely.

Seawall has deeply rooted in the hea離讀rts of Chinese pe朋拿ople around the world, and become 姐朋the glory of "M錯我ade in Egret Island" recorded in the h答購istory books. Seawall tea once was the 計短"ancestor" of Chinese Ool年我ong tea to go to the world after 弟體travel with the forefathers worldwide 校和crossing the sea, winning fame in 問男the world; now, Seawall tea continues熱飛 to lead the new trend of tea produc術廠tion and sales, setting sail new哥土ly, expanding new territory, and spread他黃ing new fashion.
Business Layout
Possessing the key link o海自f the value chain of the tea industry玩南, China Tea in Xiame會算n has strong control ability over sup多醫pliers and distributors. Its bra綠一nds have considerable國吧 influence in the core ma草銀rket and complete market ch錢員annels, among which, the trad飛玩itional wholesale channel accounts fo亮女r 47%, the exclusi綠得ve store channel店相 for 34%, shop &短門; supermarket, e-commerce and grou問謝p-buying channels答子 for 7%, and interna我行tional business for 12%.

As a profession相睡al tea brand operator 地話focusing on Oolong tea and black tea, 睡從China Tea in Xiamen has拍下 improved the innovativ醫東e ability for products and servic聽我es and set up a system integrat計船ing high-, mediu村年m-, and low-end products by st話吃rengthening to control o們章ver the high quality res理雨ources of oolong tea 美問and black tea, becoming a leader in我做 the field of oolong te窗的a and black tea.

China Tea in Xiamen constru站綠cted different business channels to m知我eet the market dema河不nd of different segments, inc南湖luding: traditional wholesale channel, 聽店exclusive store channel (direct新購-sale and franchise stores),分動 shop & supermarket channel, group-的銀buying channel, e快空-commerce channel, and international 制舞business channel, and 還著has established more than 13,000 o熱商utlets.
Contact Us

China Tea Co. Ltd.

   No.160 Hubin M麗筆iddle Road, Xiamen City, Fujian Provinc了房e, China