
Business Overview


China Tea (Yunnan) Co., 技喝Ltd

Company Profile很哥
China Tea (Yunna她腦n) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter兵她 referred to as the "靜是China Tea in Yunnan") is mainly respo醫錢nsible for production, pr小我ocessing and sa飛她les at home and abroad of characterist書間ic products suc頻快h as Puer tea, b相習lack tea, and gre站分en tea from the prod日話ucing regions in Yunnan, 些紅Guizhou, and Sichuan. With鐵房 the sales chan玩還nels built up around the nation (includ樂年ing Hong Kong, Macao and Taiw生場an), Southeast Asi匠窗a, Europe and the Unit在少ed States, it is 紙電one of the important business of Pue數光r tea industry in也麗 China.

China Tea authorized Hunan Tea 很紅Import & Export Company, China Nati自妹onal Produce and Animal Bypr妹呢oducts Import and Export Corporation 在村(the predecesso動業r of China Tea in Yunnan, h對外ereinafter referred to as “Yunnan Tea C熱地ompany”) to use the "ChinaTea" brand t數睡rademark on Puer tea pr也懂oducts. Since 1951, Yunnan Te草照a Company has organized and directed t音些he four major tea factorie從河s (including Kunming Tea Factory) un森城der its control to use the "Ch用森ina Tea" trademark on Puer tea prod訊他ucts. From then on 子自the aging fragrance of time has b都窗een accumulated. The development of學厭 ChinaTea-branded Puer tea equa畫山ls the development of the金電 whole Puer tea industry. Over 廠理the past more than 60 yea不場rs, "Read Seal", "Green Seal", "B麗窗lue Seal" and other class可器ic ChinaTea-branded Pue生討r tea products emerged endl要行essly. The bran音銀d ChinaTea has become the pronoun of動用 aged Puer tea.

The ripe tea pile 草制fermentation technology developed b線術y Yunnan Tea Company, has 好站played a very important role in the de煙多velopment of Puer tea in校事dustry. In 1973, Yunnan Te農遠a Company and its subor物那dinate Kunming Tea Factory服動 preliminarily succ亮習essfully developed the r妹喝ipe tea pile fermentation technolog有女y on the basis of abs飛暗orption, reference and innovatio光化n, realizing the也計 revolutionary innova錢也tion of the Puer tea industry. 海北In 1978, Kunming Tea Factory or街件ganized and formulated Puer tea p們的rocessing technology and promot見訊ed it in the whole 劇姐province, which p遠習layed an important role用著 in promoting the develo用少pment of the Puer tea in購會dustry.

Since its establishme遠分nt, Yunnan Tea Compa師畫ny, on the one hand, has inh分我erited the fine technology of Yu電雜nnan Tea Company了離 and continued to provide trad也對itional products to consume醫照rs at home and abroad; on the other ha這年nd, it has been more committed to the 說遠development and produ靜老ction of new products 地兵that meet the market dem我歌and. To meet the multi-level needs 農哥of consumers, since 2013, 有讀Yunnan Tea Company has developed cor生事e new products such a制你s Best Yellow Seal, Best Blue Seal呢務, Classic 7541, Quality 7581微亮 Brick, Business Serie睡中s, Famous Mountains Ser土知ies, 73 Green, and ChinaTea Pu我學rple Pottery, winning the marke去白t popularity and 會術praise of consumers. Unique natura分機l resources has 中資created "China Tea" 在機brand, and it is 機通the common aspiration of the n呢雪ew generation of China 購看Tea staff to build "China長從 Tea" brand into the pronoun of t腦謝he Chinese Puer tea. "China Tea" 東東brand is walking on the way to 線場a new chapter in the his醫書tory.
Contact Us

China Tea (Yunnan) Co是我., Ltd

   Floors 7-8, Xiangpeng暗關 Building, No. 討近296 Chuncheng Road, Guan畫劇du District, Kunming City中睡, Yunnan Province, China