
Business Overview


China Tea Life (Beijing) Co.秒樂, Ltd.

Company Profile
Positioned as a cha見開nnel company, China 吃化Tea Life (Beijing) Co.,歌好 Ltd. (hereinafter referre訊跳d to as the "China Tea Life") mainly o紙黑perates businesses including 從鄉opening chain retailers in Chin子慢a, expanding the big customer chann技金els and special sales channels, de我票veloping online business, e雪來tc. Collecting the adva村樹ntages of China Tea for the whole categ請西ory of tea resource路湖s, China Tea Life has continuously畫東 enriched the channel structure of Chin從外a Tea, expanded the market sh樹窗are of China Tea, and enhanc鐘開ed the brand influence村自 of China Tea. Through multi-dimens生爸ional innovation in channel, marketing,拍火 operation, and servi都看ce, China Tea Life醫舞 builds differentiated tea retail busi場看ness model, promotes the re人什alization of "tea lifestyle的算", makes tea become a way of qu東還ality life, and offers c小答onsumers a better life from北醫 China Tea.
Business Layout做說
China Tea Life has 這務set up nearly 300 c雨鐘hain retail stores of the br店務and "China Tea", which have standar哥鐘dized management systems, unif少他ied VI system a看我nd SI system, and 8 unified operati志黃ng standards natio民物nwide. The Company has set up我個 stores in 8 major sales regions 低男across China, which用舞 directly connect consumers an工亮d play an important r西土ole in promoting the brand事拍s and products of China Te志兵a, enrichening terminal離妹 experience, graspin草秒g the demand of terminal consumer小草s.

In 2017, China T路坐ea Life won the double awards都我 of "Level-AAAA Enterprise of Busi爸喝ness Franchise Evaluation Syste技歌m" and "Top 100 Chinese Franchise Chain來喝 Enterprise" as assessed by the C商北hina Chain Operation Ass機問ociation.
Contact Us

China Tea Life (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

   Building E, 答聽New Jinshan Bus河作iness Plaza, Chaoyang靜錢men, Beijing, China