
Business Activity

Business Activity

China Tea in Fujian held the 2017 Annu鐵用al Meeting of Managers and 說短Summary & Recogniti大通on Conference.

Release time:2018-05-24

From 17 to 18, Janu舞農ary, 2018, China Tea in Fuj慢城ian held the 2017 Annual 照上Reporting and Ap動近praisal Meeting好現 of Managers with the the小聽me of "Challenging理師 new heights wit的近hout limits and restartin間要g after adjustment". The management te遠鐵am, assistants and abov照慢e from all depar雪我tments, process年煙ing factories, and base co子他mpanies attended the meeting.

The meeting was started by General 頻你Manager Wei Saiming, who po理開inted out that with the joint efforts畫愛 of all managers and staff, th子數e company’s scale 市費and efficiency hi店歌t a new record high respec北又tively in 2017 and 2016, and well歌用 completed the objectives of the first了兵 year for the purpose "d河議oubling in three years"! Happin綠這ess is achieved t做鄉hrough hard work. However, achievements些離 can only represent th學冷e past. In 2018, we sho農們uld re-start to face more severe 子得challenges as requir少跳ed by COFCO and China Tea Group.路樹 Mr. Wei also hoped that all manager也金s can consolidate their路吧 successful experience via summ美筆ary and reflection, find out the exi窗內sting deficiencies, r著市earrange their thinking, and f銀間ormulate the next go行風al and action plan.

On the meeting, a total數老 of 38 managers res麗在pectively reported 事短their main work done in 2017, existing 暗紅problems and their c懂輛ountermeasures, and main worki靜老ng plan for 2018. The person-in舊空-charge of each division a慢紙cknowledged their work don兵美e in 2017, and put forward ta微看rgeted working suggestions身美 and requirements for m好說anagers.

By the closing of the m區了eeting, General Manager科鐘 Wei pointed out that 2017 was a year 呢路of hard work and a year of bumper h木紙arvest. Although there were中科 still some shortcomings, we雪答 will be able to set out again in a be服路tter attitude and challenge the 來綠new high again as long as we 員下can directly face and recti科笑fy them. Mr. Wei also raised the fol友舞lowing five requirements: Firstly, w土學e should carry o跳暗ut all work in accordance藍理 with the rules and regulations, and e議鐘very department and each emp好了loyee should control various risks. 都時Secondly, we should make c放門lear the Company's 2金房018 budget targ光門et of operation scale of RMB 400 mi區東llion and make great ef北商forts for it. Thirdly, we should do見還 a good job in the trainin能低g and introduction of talents, cultiv男小ate subordinates, and establish a more 哥能perfect salary management s鐘書ystem and incentive mechanism 姐關for talents. Fourthly, we should st區鐵and at the overall height of Chi舊劇na Tea, realize interna子妹l and external, upstream a劇行nd downstream cooperation, clari麗厭fy the division of labor, and 好雜promote the development of the comp人身any. Fifthly, we should hav門水e responsibility, integ物東rity, morality, broad-m門河ind, and dedication信關 in our work, and妹路 carry out our wo遠鐘rk with our though又拍t and realm.

On the afternoon of Janua店資ry 19, 2017, China Te習說a in Fujian held the 2017 Annual Wor聽微k Summary and Recognition Meeting.

On the meeting, Chen商書 Jinchun, Deputy General Manager, com草山prehensively and briefly 關愛analyzed the Company’s oper歌跳ation, main work and count日科ermeasures to pr來慢oblems existing in 2017, as wel知黃l as and the decomposi船一tion of budget i年跳ndexes and key work arrangement in 201舊中8, in the form of chart, pictur女村e, figure and others.

By the closing of the meeti話新ng, Mr. Wei pointed out that Ch也會ina Tea in Fujian hit a new hi市又gh in 2017, breaking through the opera亮厭ting scale of RMB 320 mil看街lion and increasing花書 the efficiency by 159%, and s線又uch achievement was recognized highly 年相by the Party Committee of China Tea拿又. This is the result of, h醫兵ard struggle, overcoming difficulty,樹什 synergistic col地錯laboration, and joint efforts of all場上 staff. In the coming new year, we will請術 unswervingly strive報離 to achieve the goal of "doubling in 3紙間 years and quadrupling女司 in 5 years" of China 兒話Tea under the overall樂我 layout of "integration" and "a board o兒金f chess".

At the meeting, Ge西一neral Manager Wei習工 Saiming issued certifi和喝cates to those who were光廠 rated as the Advanced Group, E個光xcellent Manager and Advanced Emp腦劇loyees in 2017.

Those employees with more錢也 than 30 years’ experience of w金路orking in the Company were 見風also presented souveni見地rs at the meeting.和師 Mr. Wei commented th用章at a person can serve a company and 視業keep loyalty to a company for 30吃輛 years in his/her 林是short life of care村民er for several decades, is very not 國書easy. He hopes that more and more youn小雪g people can as路男pire to engage in the develo花友pment of the Company and Chi拍站na Tea, so as to make our靜現 development course ha慢姐nded down from generation to ge空通neration!