
Business Activit金報y

Business Activity

2018 Tea Health and Safety Conference w服雜as held in Fuzhou City, Fuji光在an Province, China

Release time:2018-06-06

On March 10, 2018, China Tea Oolong T高吃ea Division held the Tea Health an黑子d Safety Conference in Fuzhou City,音短 Fujian Provicne, China, an東業d this is the seventeenth consecutiv得微e year that China Tea hel化算d Tea Health and Sa服上fety Conference.站木 In June 2017, 電新China Tea formed fou但歌r major divisions,少報 i.e., Oolong Tea Division睡雪, Puer Tea Division, Black Tea D腦民ivision and Green Tea Division to reali鄉村ze the all-category and integrated 內外operation so as to complete 要答the reform of mixed ownership in ac厭知cordance with the requirements of 吧車the State-owned Assets Supervis得湖ion and Administration Co高店mmission and COFCO Group, thus to i空下mplement the ove師呢rall layout of "int身亮egration" and "a 會物board of chess". More than 200 peop些樂le attended the meeting, i我藍ncluding suppliers, 朋湖customer representati日好ves, delegates from government de什山partments and m放頻edia of China Tea in Fujia外計n, China Tea in Xiamen and Chin要藍a Tea in Quanzhou.

At the Conference, Luo Xinghuo, 有高person in charge of purc關是hasing business of Oolong Tea Di農放vision and Deputy General Manager of Ch高視ina Tea in Fujian, 靜音indicated that in 20視也18, Oolong Tea Division, Chin相能a Tea will strengthen 暗月the quality and sa亮音fety work in several aspects su區綠ch as adherence to志暗 the domestic and foreign food saf男男ety standards, source con著場trol over pesticide residues at tea gr機跳owing, construction of quality and sa人藍fety risk control along the whol靜服e industry chain. The 長樹Tea Health and Safety Confe冷商rence is hoped to ac頻用tively promote COFCO’s managemen外鄉t philosophy of "ind這中ustry chain and good 分還products" and make join人要t efforts to promote the susta購體inable and healthy 金們development of the 森冷tea industry.

Chen Xuequn, Head of Foo從睡dstuff Depratment, Fuzh事線ou Entry-exit Inspection and Qu農來arantine Bureau, pointed out知身 in his speech, that China Tea in個喝 Fujian worked comprehensively a就文nd effectively in terms of tea 快讀health and safety contr西金ol, reached the inspection quali體制fied rate of exported 吃低products up to 1志美00%, and played a ve對聽ry good leading and exemplary role in湖家 the promotion a要體nd development of the tea industr弟雨y as a key leading en知秒terprise for agricultural 場地industrialization in Fujian Province.

Wang Xin, Principal Staff Member報靜 of Planting Mana火家gement Office of Fujian Provinc照行ial Agriculture Departm妹很ent introduced the developm作動ent situation of the tea in場農dustry in Fujian in 2017, for exam錯冷ple, the provincial tea indus女綠try continued to maintain ste事路ady growth; the raw tea o我妹utput reached 452,000 tons, up 6% on白爸 a year on year (Y鐵林OY) basis; the output value w黑樂as RMB 23.5 billion,長科 up 8% on a YOY basis; and both these高關 two items rank身遠ed the first in China. In林亮 2018, to implement the concept of gree煙筆n development proposed 雪門in the report of 妹樹the 19th National 現飛Congress of the Communist Party明綠 of China, the tea industry will 時湖carry out the special 錯下action of advocating tea gardens to 理都not use chemical pesticides in Fujian t黃匠o create the green development mod林北el in the tea industry.

Chen Di from F火不uzhou Entry-exit Inspection and Quar兒子antine Bureau shared the Export Te音鐘a Dynamics in 2017, Sun Wei相文jiang, Professor 都服and Doctoral Supervis鐵習or of Fujian Agricultu子生re and Forestry U舊書niversity delivere了音d the speech tilted the 你東New Dynamics and Count筆市ermeasures of Tea Quality and S謝音afety, Hu Yicai, Deputy General 街花Manager of Zhangzhou Enjoy Argri離藍cultural Technology C請自o., Ltd. shared the Comprehens你愛ive Understanding o女什f Diseases and Insect Pests 玩草in Safe Tea Garde窗著n and Analysis of Cause of Exc湖舞essive Pesticide Residues, aiming at 日街explaining the indu學務stry countermeasures of the tea indus頻匠try development in Fujian to te亮就a suppliers and farmers in 理頻Fujian, introducing the latest req短線uirements for pesticide們影 residues and the 現作latest technology to preven光黃t and control pesticide r裡為esidues in Japan長吃, the European Union and C放行hina, improving the source prevention 員為and control of pesticide residues,湖鐘 and realizing "control南到lable source, monitorable process紙會, and assured quality ".

Wei Saiming, Deputy G月讀eneral Manager of Chin相銀a Tea, Vice General Manager of Ool些近ong Tea Division of China Tea, a如慢nd General Manager of China電如 Tea in Fujian, delivered a co拿黃ncluding speech海微.With combination of the key points好廠 of quality and safety work 服遠of COFCO and China Tea in 2018, he很影 pointed out that 2018 is a year 湖坐for COFCO to implemente its quality a為信nd safety responsibi公很lity, so China Tea woul紙吧d adhere to the concep日懂t of life first and s西訊afety first, to lay a solid management地森 foundation in a子唱ccordance with the re呢樹quirements and deployment of the Part黑日y Committee of 吧年the Group, to extert the sta車技ndardized management of qual空快ity and safety at ea什湖ch link and node along the industry cha見話in, to further effecti媽書vely control pest司理icide residues on tea from the source,動都 to make the quality and safety 黃話management take 開個in the forefront of the Chinese tea 術紙industry and lead the d水照evelopment of the tea indust關年ry, to transfer the化科 brand proporsition of "Nati化明onal Drink ChinaTea", thus to p站是rovide consumers wit北吃h enjoyable way of tea life, and natura哥熱l, green, healthy, safe, and high q又一uality tea products.

In an interview with reporters, We我報i Saiming expressed that C吧房hina Tea would continue 制間to manage and control the tea s書近anitary safety, promote the growt公地h of high quality, and combine with th快場e overseas market layout業術 implemented ac劇市cording to the Belt and Road initia金都tive, and so on.

China News Agency, of Fujia劇男n TV Station, Fuzhou從答 TV station, Fuzhou Evening News, www.下校fjsen.com, people.com就黑.cn, Strait News, Xiame能坐n TV Station, Xiamen Dail做老y, Xiamen Evening Ne訊用ws, Sun News and other media reporte費地d the conference.