
Business Activity

Business Activity

2018 Tea Health and Safety Conf文他erence was held in Fuzhou City, Fujia金靜n Province, Chi購內na

Release time:2018-07-23

On March 10, 2018,技師 China Tea Oolong Tea Division held 對計the Tea Health and Safety Conferenc街習e in Fuzhou City, Fujian Provicne, Chi厭商na, and this is the sev跳來enteenth consecut銀說ive year that China Tea著人 held Tea Health and Safety Confe花吃rence. In June 2017, Chi民校na Tea formed four major divi舞鐘sions, i.e., Oolong Tea照暗 Division, Puer Tea Division, Black Tea電業 Division and Green Tea Division to黑黑 realize the all-category 錯鐘and integrated operation so as to compl黑有ete the reform of mixed ownership in 理事accordance with車金 the requirements 生有of the State-owned Assets Sup你兵ervision and Administrati拿睡on Commission and COFCO Gro習去up, thus to impleme快員nt the overall layout of數請 "integration" and "a boar問上d of chess". More than 200 pe弟業ople attended the meetin好吧g, including suppliers, customer re女城presentatives, delegates from govern嗎討ment departments and med謝火ia of China Tea in Fujian, China Tea 森森in Xiamen and China森務 Tea in Quanzhou.

At the Conference, Luo Xinghuo, person機可 in charge of purchasing business 音作of Oolong Tea Division and D舞窗eputy General Manager of Chin機微a Tea in Fujian, indicated th拿不at in 2018, Oolong T湖白ea Division, China Tea will st志少rengthen the quality and safety計銀 work in several aspects such as ad區如herence to the domestic and吃資 foreign food safety s懂要tandards, source co到拍ntrol over pesticide residues at t兵東ea growing, construction of quality船黃 and safety risk control along the wh草空ole industry chai可笑n. The Tea Health and Safety Conferenc謝技e is hoped to activ服校ely promote COF樹坐CO’s management philosophy 兵話of "industry chain and good pr子他oducts" and make joint efforts to pro討對mote the sustaina商快ble and healthy development票還 of the tea indust個友ry.

Chen Xuequn, Head of Foodstuff D很民epratment, Fuzhou Entry-exit Ins分鄉pection and Quarantine Bureau海是, pointed out in 著廠his speech, that C輛朋hina Tea in Fujian wo愛煙rked comprehensively答山 and effectivel街公y in terms of t習了ea health and safety cont和窗rol, reached the子月 inspection qualified r可土ate of exported products up to 100%, an玩刀d played a very good lead票林ing and exemplary role in th現工e promotion and de舞知velopment of the雪還 tea industry as a key leading enterpri裡校se for agricultural in畫章dustrialization in Fujian Provinc黃了e.

Wang Xin, Principa自區l Staff Member 制弟of Planting Management Office of Fu車學jian Provincial Agricu很文lture Department introduced the dev能短elopment situation of the 票愛tea industry in Fujian in 2017, for 吧慢example, the provincial裡學 tea industry con票得tinued to mainta但相in steady growth; the理司 raw tea output reached 452,000 to通媽ns, up 6% on a yea相和r on year (YOY) basis;請有 the output value was RMB 23.5 billio電資n, up 8% on a YOY basis; and bot關很h these two items ranked t我劇he first in China. In 2018, to im懂藍plement the conce放頻pt of green developme但藍nt proposed in the report of the 19th N光志ational Congress of the Communist Party著訊 of China, the tea industry will carry中些 out the special actio樹舞n of advocating tea g輛輛ardens to not use chemica票畫l pesticides in Fu如家jian to create the 藍街green development model in th明化e tea industry. 

Chen Di from Fuzhou Entry-exit 農又Inspection and Quarantine Bureau sha她也red the Export Tea Dyn匠長amics in 2017, Sun Weijiang, Professor費電 and Doctoral Supervisor of Fujian河嗎 Agriculture and F答商orestry University delivere討志d the speech tilted the New Dyn身黑amics and Counter拿從measures of Tea Quality and Safety,學上 Hu Yicai, Deputy Genera路朋l Manager of Zhangzh是黑ou Enjoy Argricultu年城ral Technology Co我刀., Ltd. shared the Compr明到ehensive Understandin舊城g of Diseases and Insect Pests票喝 in Safe Tea Garden子熱 and Analysis of Cause of Exces子雜sive Pesticide Residues,國風 aiming at explainin南男g the industry countermeasures 綠微of the tea industry devel嗎上opment in Fujian to tea suppliers a草拍nd farmers in Fujian, intr生知oducing the latest討弟 requirements for pesticide residue短店s and the latest technology to prevent 小很and control pesticide residues 相妹in Japan, the E林水uropean Union and China, improv房話ing the source pre得光vention and control of pe計不sticide residues, and realizin東又g "controllable source, moni費腦torable process, and a河金ssured quality ".

Wei Saiming, Deputy General湖鄉 Manager of China Tea, Vice 村城General Manager of Oo聽光long Tea Divisi書和on of China Tea, and Gen白照eral Manager of Ch一喝ina Tea in Fujian, del南鐵ivered a concluding speech.With c可答ombination of the ke報國y points of quality and s商我afety work of COFCO and你低 China Tea in 2018, he pointed 子快out that 2018 is a year fo鐵個r COFCO to implemen近呢te its quality and safety respo金看nsibility, so China Tea would adhere 內影to the concept of life firs姐是t and safety first, to lay a熱雪 solid managemen高友t foundation in accord樹城ance with the requi費到rements and deployment of th火低e Party Committee of the Group, to e化不xtert the standardized man花動agement of quality and safety at each 音短link and node along the industry ch員兵ain, to further effect他明ively control pesticide residue城河s on tea from the source, to make the哥著 quality and safety management t老習ake in the forefront of the也場 Chinese tea industry and lead the d自對evelopment of the tea industr銀廠y, to transfer the brand proporsi資國tion of "National 制吃Drink ChinaTea", thus to pr老跳ovide consumers with en微話joyable way of tea作資 life, and natural, green嗎弟, healthy, safe, a開但nd high quality tea products.

In an interview w銀河ith reporters, Wei Saiming expressed t裡刀hat China Tea wou友坐ld continue to manag北作e and control the tea sanita聽喝ry safety, promote the grow但風th of high quality, and 校國combine with the oversea水門s market layout impleme醫窗nted according to the Bel呢不t and Road initiative, an拿知d so on.

China News Agency, of Fujian TV Sta靜區tion, Fuzhou TV s時來tation, Fuzhou Evening New新睡s, www.fjsen.co黑醫m, people.com.cn, Strait N喝機ews, Xiamen TV S筆事tation, Xiamen Daily話照, Xiamen Evening News, Sun News an哥現d other media reported the con頻筆ference.