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China Tea carried out investigation,長歌 research and learning i書時n China Mengniu Dairy Industry Co. 錢我Ltd

Release time:2018-05-30

On April 2, 2018, the mem日但bers of the Central Group of很聽 the CPC Committee of China Tea and h分房eads of the relevant func有音tional divisions visited China 理習Mengniu Dairy Indust這他ry (Beijing) Co. Ltd鐘聽. for investiga都看tion, research and exc校媽hanges.

The delegation of China Tea condu文城cted on-spot investigation on玩地 the Mengniu Factor算件y, and had in-depth e技醫xchanges in combinati銀車on with strategic cooperat草件ion, brand & channel constru購一ction, production management,什吃 dealer management, research短輛 and development manageme亮通nt, new product deve慢和lopment and coo中麗peration, and other aspect慢懂s.

China Tea expressed tha答麗t according to the deployment and 劇有requirements of Zhao Shuanglian, P訊長resident and Secretary o件靜f the CPC Committee of COFC購好O, China Tea was pu地做shing forward t錢睡he flagship construction, compreh好少ensively improvi也山ng and upgrading the月身 traditional process and technology, tr請分ansforming to modernization, automati商習on, digitizatio冷他n, standardization, and in這森tellectualization, and c行科reatively working for brand m制筆arketing. As one of th東計e world's leading dairy en民請terprises, Mengniu has the劇訊 value of a benchma好南rk model and is worth a systemat麗站ic learning by the China Tea tea森務m; this special exchange and learni冷少ng was beneficial for China 也她Tea to open the field of vision,離生 innovate the idea, and laid a good fo少離undation for establishing a norm m年友echanism for next exchang吃西e between the both parties and f們錯urther explore the busin朋國ess cooperation 動對projects such as the research and d黑男evelopment of milk tea 家公products, channel coordi海農nation, and etc.

Mengniu commented that China Tea化身, as the representative of the dev吃著elopment of the tea industry我了 in China, became opener 鐵什and more dynamic and h就都ad made a historic breakthrough in its 地睡business performance after醫開 the mixed-ownership refor體能m ; milk and tea products had broad 都地cooperation space, so Mengniu話服 hoped to intensify the 畫金cooperation in the development of n信秒ew products such as mi喝報lk tea under the leader大民ship of the Group, with th錢綠e exchange as a starting p票東oint, and achieving win-wi技道n situation in t她睡he future.

China Tea CPC Committ去答ee members, Lu Minfang, President of 遠行Mengniu Dairy, Wu Wenting, Secretary o媽個f the CPC Commi離很ttee of Mengniu Dairy, Gao女數 Fei & Liu Shengli, Vice Pre一書sident of Mengniu 習用Dairy, and heads of the related functio電從nal divisions of China Te如子a participated in子答 the discussion and exc日水hanges.