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China Tea has signed a件店 strategic cooperation a見懂greement with Xiagu務可an TuoTea

Release time:2018-05-30

On March 19, 2018, Chi在秒na Tea and Yunnan X數理iaguan TuoTea (Group) 喝問Co., Ltd. signed the "Fram農好ework Agreement通吧 on Strategic Coop商裡eration ".

According to the Agreement, the two 影唱parties will actively carry o雜車ut cooperation in terms of brand用黃 communication, business & techn費鐘ology, marketing, equi輛雨ty, and other aspects ba吃又sed on their own reso湖是urces, brands, 做務capital, products, and channels, und相用er the leadership and s上電upport of COFCO 讀制and the Dali Prefec都匠ture government, so as t南錢o constantly enlarge 靜女the popularity and influence o得票f Puer Tea and promote th厭笑e healthy and rapid development of th道著e Puer Tea indu銀懂stry through consolidation 道影of advantageous tea resources in喝的 Yunnan and changing the little mes樹紅sy situation of the Puer tea indust放筆ry.

The two parties a畫頻greed that Chin拍間a Tea Company i雜到s the representative in t影哥he industry as an integra著從ted operator with multipl拿飛e categories, m湖謝ultiple channels, and multiple 草媽models of business, and also ha和林s unique advantages in mu她很lti-category resource, brand, capi長內tal strength, domestic an中腦d foreign channels, managem低快ent system, operation sy有公stem, team, and other aspects;南做 while Xiaguan TuoTea is a 100-year ol司房d brand in Yunnan Province and has di刀西stinct advantag費我es in the inheritance of upstream t拍海ea resources, accumulation of the bra是畫nd history, tea-pr藍公ocessing technology看知 and production, region做子al brand and channel netwo廠看rk, professional ope近科ration team of Puer Tea; 知內the two parties have strong 喝請complementarity and broad coopera秒日tion space in the field of 關問Puer Tea, and would 開冷promote China's tea industry to e了美nter a new stage of development by co舞民mbining strengt農店hs and win-win cooperation.

The auction attracted great 司分attention from the leaders唱空hip of China Tea and strong support學劇 from the experts from t如土he industry. The leader來通ship team of China Tea, 雜生Gu Hailin, General Manager in c動高harge of auction 身器of consumption articles of Ali A師員uction, Liu Xiaowei, P日友resident of Googut Wine&a樂空mp;Spirits, and other leaders也友 of the co-organizers attended the eve知農nt. Wang Qing, Chairman of the China 兵月Tea Marketing Association, Ya西新o Jingbo, Vice Chairman of務窗 the China Tea Marketing Assoc讀請iation, Lu Shuxun, Vice Chairm高自an of President of木城 Guangdong Tea Collectio海離n and Appreciation Associat南國ion, and leaders of other in吧費dustry associations and experts國農 in the industry we內中re also presented in the auction.

China Tea pointed out that the va地畫lue of old tea lies not onl要文y in the rare and uni醫雪que products certificated by exp亮技erts, but also the accumulation of高藍 the masters' feelings an靜行d history; China Tea is will體地ing to set up a platform腦水 for the trade o我師f old tea, and hope that the old t內你ea of China Tea that is sc生商attered in the market can give fu資議ll play to the vitality, t做歌o radically reorg那票anize and clear the mar個校ket, set up the standards, and pres鄉子ent good quality睡飛 tea for tea lovers.

Wang Qing, Chairman of the China Tea 和資Marketing Association, c如身ommented that China Tea, 大道as the first professional 匠會company in China, mad笑跳e its contributi購你ons to breaking the international block靜上ade in the early construc服票tion stage of t黃議he People's Republic中是 of China, had a high reputation厭姐 in the global market over朋姐 the past 60 years, and was givi劇很ng its new vital離的ity now as the mixed子工-ownership reform  was com妹做pleted; China Tea is the onl厭我y "national team" in the field樹信 of tea, so everybody trusted 男車the old tea presented in tea 生話auction by China Tea.笑低 Friends from all walks of l國明ife were expecte費好d to enjoy the fun of tea in t市業he auction.

The auction adopted the form of combi長明nation of online and公匠 offline auctions. The p信議acked venue, incessant bidding w地又ars, and constant放呢 gavel sounds brought the atmospher廠化e of the scene to文資 the climax. Various experts from C少坐hina Tea introduced the history 微外and manufacturing method of th化文e old tea, leading to enthusiasm of t哥有he customers; at the same time, ther人用e were numerous t土雪ea lovers online participating in the做美 bidding for buyin明爸g the high quality tea pro金機ducts of China Tea, among whi北哥ch, Qianliang tea produced by China Te我地a in 1983 became the final lot o有技f the auction at the closin慢秒g price of RMB 1 million國年 Yuan, after several rounds of biddi公員ng. This product, after 35 years of mat舞日uring, has elegant taste河技 and extremely high value fo校文r collection. It was sold t火的o a tea lover s舞可uccessfully with "price jump"志和.

The bidders online in Ali Auction also路習 carried out fierc她錢e competitive bidding. 2012 Dr喝金agon Cake produced in 2012 a舞長nd 8653 blue cake tea很刀 produced in pure dry stor日通age in the 1980s, an舞用d Iron Cake tea with the紙劇 traditional Chinese人服 characters with ChinaTea l跳刀ogo produced in the 1980s, were bou湖紅ght by the online buyers.哥媽 Such online and offline auction a月又llowed more tea lovers to enjoy the fu醫城n of an old tea auction, although the件自y were unable to be prese朋要nt in the auction高鄉.

The old tea auction sponsored by C木視hina Tea provided a reliable, 木藍professional and authoritative platfor到就m for collectors 女海who like to drink and collect old門書 tea in the turbulent market of old吃事 tea, allowing consumers who li睡信ke old tea to buy, dr有信ink and collect it at ease 身可and free from worry, and standardi兵金zing the old tea market 拿火together with the society f的習or sharing a qua笑志lity life.