
SASAC Dynamics

Hao Peng: Strat區習egic position and his訊短torical mission of stat照購e-owned enterprises in the new 我請era

Release time:2018-05-30

The 19th National 技雜Congress of the Communist紙去 Party of China has made new 制務arrangements for improving th女到e management sy還你stem and deepen弟兵ing the reform 和技of state-owned enterp習吃rises. This year is the first year相和 to implement the spirit 你行of the 19th National Congress文船 of the Communist 器喝Party of China. How to m務頻eet the state-owned 能上enterprises in the new era? How to deep技話en the reform of state-owned enterpris術她es in the new era? To 近身solve these problems, Hao 就男Peng, Secretary of the 店女Party Committee of劇讀 the State-owned Assets Supervi醫裡sion and Adminis暗小tration Commission (SASAC) under the St地睡ate Council, accepted our intervi劇就ew, telling the strategic po風玩sitioning, historical 跳綠mission, and new goa動電ls and measures of the re議放form and development of state-owne音看d enterprises in the new e歌裡ra.

Reporter: Socialism w快藍ith Chinese characteristics 樹飛has entered a new era since the 18th N計木ational Congress of the Communist Party農報 of China. What do you think 子喝the new era means for state-owned ente多下rprises?

Hao Peng: General Secretary X答村i Jinping solemnly declared that s北舞ocialism with C海玩hinese characteristics entered into 離門a new era in his 海錢report delivered in the 資船19th National Congres吃腦s of the Communist Party店紅 of China, marking that the new hist人農orical development orientati服知on of the CPC and n歌習ational undertakings. This is the做身 basis for us to unders多開tand the situation cle水照arly and plan to promote the wo飛窗rk. To promote the party b時習uilding in the ref就花orm and develop輛聽ment of state-owned enterpris鄉知es in the new era, 但亮we must accurately grasp the histo農場rical starting point家歌 where we are standing視海 and deeply comp照校rehend the significanc吧空e of entering the new era畫知 for state-owned enterprises.

The new era means more re紙物sponsibility. State-owne學樹d enterprises are t西城he important materi哥數al and political f船照oundation of socialism with電用 Chinese characteristics.一一 For the purpose o自內f consistent adhe理門re to and develop socialism with裡間 Chinese character拿做istics, succeed in build腦們ing a well-off society in al照工l respects, and fully construct a mod男輛ern socialist country, s行草tate-owned enterprises are requi船玩red to bravely carry 內和heavy burdens and unde外答rtake responsibly, have the cou為鐘rage and unswervingly do a good jo體藍b in operating state-owned enterpri南街ses, and firmly make 中體state-owned capital str和朋onger, better and bigger.

The new era means greater challenges. D風數omestically, we need to solv近離e the contradiction between the in讀秒creasing need of people 靜問for a better life and imba又吃lanced and insufficient development西遠, and promote our country's econo習南my march towards the high quality 關謝development stag坐但e from the high-s一件peed growth stage. From 笑房the international perspective, C秒城hina is getting closer to the center of湖玩 the world stage,你些 and the competition 村草tends to more intense in the 鐘林world. Faced with the u校章nprecedented challeng作下es and requireme信制nts brought by the南舊se, state-owned enterprises mus黃畫t rise to the difficulties, be dare 爸朋to accept challenges, and還了 be good at recruiting measures, so as 店明to speed up development and solve p近國roblems.

The new era means new opport都習unities. In the new era, th報是ere are both challenges and opport城藍unities. It is key新來 for us to see accurately, seiz樹刀e steadily and use these well. The 務劇party and national cause 光腦will certainly have a gr窗民eat development in外筆 the implementation of 樹亮the spirit of the 19th Na師年tional Congress of the Communist 舊些Party of China. This will create a goo報匠d macro environment and吃關 expand the developme讀玩nt space more for state-owned enter用問prises. As a resu中外lt state-owned ente物暗rprises can promote the layout opti業從mization, structure adjustment, 什話and strategic restructur請快ing in a broade黑費r field, within a 得黃wider range, and on a higher lev但文el, to speed up the cultivation of a ba月兒tch of globally competitive worl也月d-class enterprises.

Based on the new era a訊湖nd the new orientatio討鐵n, state-owned enter一能prises are becoming competitors with i那玩nternational advance來廠d enterprises from pursuers of leap-fo明訊rward development, a友農nd have become a leader in many 習路fields and industries. W醫自e are more convinced也雪 that state-owned愛對 enterprises should and be在媽 sure to do more in the new era些他.

Reporter: Since the foundin家見g of new China, state-owned enterprise相票s have been the mainstay of expa街作nding China's over睡林all national strength and promoting ec北歌onomic and social development.吃學 How should we recognize the histori雪外c contribution made by and historic rol爸她e of state-owned enterprises on the拿錢 great journey after entry into t妹熱he new era?

Hao Peng: State-owned 懂你enterprises have made histori工鐘cal contribution for p是車romoting China's economic 市現and social deve讀路lopment, progres東計s of science and technolog快那y, construction of nati業內onal defense, and improveme機時nt of the people'畫作s livelihood throughout China's social議藍ism construction, and reform and dev做黃elopment, so as to ensure 身坐the effective implementation 姐房of the national strategies. After the湖答 founding of the People's Republic白年 of China, state-owned錢裡 enterprises hav著分e established historic merit for s吧化etting up of the independent and comple雜員te industrial system and nation信舊al economic system. Since the reform a拿西nd opening up, the reform of s要讀tate-owned enterprises has been the 快腦central part of the reform of t刀廠he economic system and always p區去laying a leading role. Since 喝話the 18th National Congress of the Com放通munist Party of China, in地在 particular, state-owned enterpris長自es have reformed and innovated, forged 能體ahead, and overcome difficult in the 答呢new campaign in the報下 new era, and taken firm steps o煙對n the way to become larger, be器房tter, and bigger,少厭 obtaining significant results. The 銀麗central enterprises ha請術ve enhanced their streng光市th obviously, and their 拿可total assets incre兒月ased by 74% compared with that of f電醫ive years ago, and 光吧their cumulative profit gr男票ew by 27% compared 地了with that over the past five years. 聽少Among the state-owned ente是木rprises included in the world top 500,城車 48 are central enterprise火紙s. State-owned enterprises’ layout str門也ucture has been o房腦ptimized obviously, and the st美數ate-owned capital concentrated in哥理 the important industries and ke但科y areas with a clos身就e relationship wit雨綠h the national security, lifeline門腦s of the national economy, and the peop大要le's livelihood, 西得and also the forwa身行rd-looking strate西我gic emerging industries and superior市件 enterprises. The slimming and fitness 樂視effect of state-owned銀男 enterprises was obvious, and the r光朋eorganization and integration steps w還亮ere accelerated. 18 gr水藍oups, including 34 central 鄉做enterprises were reorganized, a業錯nd the rigid control an那她d pressure reduction was c空人arried out steadily. Sta來家te-owned enterprises inc睡子reased their social contribution signif訊明icantly, and the ce木森ntral enterprises paid taxes and fees, 雪也41% up compared to those over th西能e previous five years. 兒著In 2017 the added value creat樂子ed by state-owned ent信現erprises accounted for about 8% o劇員f total GDP of C分秒hina, and the ta去訊xes and revenue paid by state-owne民錢d enterprises accounted for 是雪about 1/8 of the 他話total national fiscal income. 間報A large number of national key ach就玩ievements undertaken and completed 銀工by state-owned enterpri放作ses have become national busine醫要ss cards, which fully demonstrate t線美he national strength and 業火reflect the responsibility of the maj答喝or power. State-owned enterprises also 船花took the lead i工腦n combating major natural disasters, 南聽promoting poverty alle舊明viation and particip白愛ating in the construction of the pe現計ople's wellbeing. The development湖藍 of state-owned en用身terprises is a vivid r和醫eflection of the historic achi技雪evements and ch花國anges of the Party a個黃nd national undertakings. Th哥術ese achievements were 能樹realized relying on the strong le書那adership of the CPC Central Com麗西mittee with Comrade Xi Jinpi了窗ng as the core 厭笑and the scientific對放 guidance of Xi Jinping海志's socialist ideology w問分ith Chinese chara她從cteristics in the new era. It is 做校precisely because the 土區important thought of Ge頻我neral Secretary Xi Ji區購nping has been insisted on during the靜信 reform and development of state-owne有雨d enterprises and th做亮e party building, the reform 月場and development of state-owned enterp現志rises had the scientif場下ic guidance and action progr空志am available in the new era.

Reporter: Turning to the high quality亮鐘 development stage i他木s the basic characteristic of C花唱hina's economic development in the ne人紙w era. Adapting to this ne友店w requirement, how can we 也畫find the strategic positioning of th討時e state-owned enter村我prises and allow them cle照少arly bear the hi南資storical mission in the new era?

Hao Peng: The new journey opened in黑算 the new era is the one to advanc可弟e the great cause, realize the grand歌和 blueprint, create a be讀看tter life, realize 媽對the great dream, and approach to t船器he center of the world stag站放e. This requires state-owned ente和鄉rprises to make clear strategic p靜個ositioning, take on historical miss我影ions, keep forging ahead, and 西村make innovations o藍司n the new journey.師問

General Secretary Xi Jinping 土從has always attache草們d great importance to the re湖話form and development of state討女-owned enterprises and party c白場onstruction, and stressed the status 雜爸and role of state子北-owned enterprise這媽s. Last December, General Secr紅科etary Xi Jinping made his first 紙車investigation after the 19th看亮 National Congress 吃服of the Communist Party coming to Xugo老工ng Group, Jiangsu, stressing tha信村t state-owned en物唱terprises are the important mat做我erial and political foundation of socia務們lism with Chinese chara中視cteristics and also t南現he "pillar" of the socia秒務list economy with Chinese characteris都間tics. With such forceful instructi照技ons, General Secretary Xi Jinping poi錢知nted clearly out t子南he strategic positio去讀ning of state-ow坐兒ned enterprises in the new er兵湖a, which can be grasped 河費from the following six as校了pects. Firstly, we s大拍hould firmly put political co們在nstruction first and become 個水it into the most reli司學able force for the pa光裡rty and the state. 飛現Secondly, we sh用可ould always carry heavy bur習呢dens during the national歌路 development, national defe慢友nse security and improvement of the 術電people's lives, a機門nd become an important force 理明in firmly carrying out th見舊e decisions and deployment 分火of the CPC Central Committee. T水小hirdly, we should 行從adhere to deeming the supply-山月side structural reform as the main line會技, constantly push forward the instituti笑很onal and mechanism innovatio資我n, and become an imp少北ortant force for imple學在menting the new 藍我development concept and comprehe看票nsively deepening the reform. Fourthly,愛去 we need to carry out internationa黑農l operation, speed up t生時he formation of new微唱 advantages in international econo音爸mic cooperation and competition, exp開什and the new space for internationa得靜l development continuous體區ly, and become an importance for事訊ce to implement th員裡e strategy of "Going out", "the得公 Belt & Road" Initiative, a暗黃nd other major strate些年gies. Fifthly, we sho信街uld adhere to the people-centered dev鐘銀elopment idea, 妹紙earnestly fulfill鄉北 our social responsibilities, and be吃河come an important force for strengt了黃hening overall national strength, promo章身ting economic and soci習土al development, ensuring and impro民什ving people's wellb一議eing. Sixthly, we shou離頻ld build our basic team properly and 木畫make it an important force for our part民微y to win the great str計多uggle with many n制地ew historical features.

On the basis of clearly defining th場志e strategic positioning in the new e日做ra, state-owned enter影月prises will take on their own historica場身l mission. Accord們喝ing to the requirements of changing 上錯from "have or not" to "good or not就慢", state-owned enterprises will profoun器資dly grasp main changes in the socia在頻l contradictions in China, insis少綠t on quality first 謝商and efficiency firs畫區t, take the lead i體紅n the implementation o他睡f quality change, change efficiency妹國, and dynamic change with the 去喝supply-side structural refor多票m as the main line, 舞問and be determine短們d to become the資數 main force of high quality d離黑evelopment; promote the opti高光mization and upgrading of the real econ刀費omy according to the re紅遠quirements of cross民水ing the pass, become醫答 stronger in the indu鄉匠stry and better in the main busi一林ness, and play a 報唱leading role in bu議弟ilding a modern economic system; stri影外ve to promote the constr紅很uction of socialist moderniza跳很tion, succeed in the three major uphill科們 battles, fully promote the innovative務友 development, and play 自黑the role of commando in accelerating t動話he construction of an innovati好飛ve country; grasp the great pat弟票tern and trend of C器放hina's reform and opening up, play 都關a role of a national team participatin熱快g in the construction of "the Belt 高個& Road Initiative", promot開讀e the cooperation i土樂n international pr國刀oduction capacity and equi海兵pment manufacturing,下土 actively participa體生te in the formulation of g紅懂lobal technical standa人東rds, industrial norms, and trade rule行購s, better integrate into the glob暗房al innovation and industria慢現l system for division of labor, and sp說西eed up cultivating world first-class錢內 enterprises with ou妹用tstanding main business, lea黑技ding technology, advanced management快開, excellent performance, an公影d strong allocation 時站ability of global resources.

Reporter: What new mea線吧sures will be taken f又放or the reform and develo光在pment of state-owned enterprises in th下海e face of the new goa刀知l and new requirements電刀 in the new era in t小和he future?

Zhao Shuanglian thanked the Yun信照nan Provincial Party Committe也文e of the CPC and Pro話外vincial People's Go也自vernment for co自的ncern and support o生如f COFCO’s project 是你in Yunnan, and expressed that COFC年又O would play its advant很票ages in tea, sugar, commer我樹cial real estate a弟些nd other fields, speed up the慢分 construction of the慢間 tea industry base路生 integrating processing, scient紙快ific research, storag到制e, logistics, and experie話妹nce of Puer Tea in Yunnan, upgrade 長山the traditional indus道化tries with modern production technolog物去y, and improve the level of digital喝女ization, intellectualization and moder紙外nization of the tea industry; inten錢呢sify efforts to 廠短promote the merger and reorganiza愛服tion of tea enter用熱prises and change the situa雜對tion of the tea industry 知綠in Yunnan where tea brands are jumb體分led, tea enterprises are small, an討近d the production 我討technology is backwar說風d. In addition, the two parties will 和做work together to accele請年rate the planning, transform事好ation, merger and acquisition of又長 the sugar cane field and str新公ive to form a sugar pr你要oduction capacity of 500,000 熱火tons in Yunnan within two to three ye音好ars in the sugar industry.鐘醫 In order to implement the strategi北畫c advance of "Lancang River-內技Mekong River Cooperation Mechanism", CO信什FCO will carry out resear煙姐ch on building a grain l讀火ogistics base for rice processing 音校and sales in Southeast Asia.

Zong Guoying, Standi銀電ng Committee Member of Yunnan Prov個厭incial Party Committee of the C但用PC and Executiv可文e Vice Governor of Yun Province, Che森數n Shun, Vice Governor of Yun Prov少志ince, Yang Jie, Se開少cretary-General of Yunnan Pro做如vincial Government, Wang Minzheng, Di他那rector of Agricultur理愛al Office of Yunn做路an Provincial Party Committee and兒自 Head of Yunnan Provincial Agriculture 信從Department, He Ligui, De風工puty Secretary-General of Yunnan Prov行光incial Government,聽文 Du Yong, Direc影算tor of Yunnan Provincial Bureau f白裡or Attracting Investmen來影t, Yang Jian, Governor of 答呢Dali Prefecture, Yan Jianhao, P農樹resident of China道可 Tea Industry Co., Ltd., Liu Yun厭理, Director of Administ還相rative Office of 還房COFCO, Wang Zhiying, Chief Dir花多ector of HR Department of COFC很子O, Xia Linghe, Presi行拍dent of China Sugar Industry Co.時子, Ltd., Wang Guiqing, General Manager o時西f China Tea Industry Co., Ltd., and o木微thers attended the meeting黑是.