
SASAC Dynamics

COFCO won the First Prize錯機 of "2017 China Excellent 500森很 for Enterprise Social Responsibility&看小quot;

Release time:2018-05-30

On January 28, 2018, the 16th Chin市去ese Enterprises從身 Development High-level 訊門Forum, guided by the兒雪 Development Research C呢子enter of the State Council was 花器held in Diaoyutai State Gues土務thouse in Beijin件錯g. COFCO won the First Prize舞件 of "2017 China Excellent好金 500 for Enterprise So務懂cial Responsibility" issued b科物y the China Associat業司ion of Enterprise Socia問水l Assessment.

Established in 1991 遠妹by the Development Resear從化ch Center of the Stat大光e Council, the China Evaluatio友中n Association (CEA) is the only 火明state-level corporation agg計花regate registered to the Ministry of C熱低ivil Affairs and with the qualificatio樂他ns for corporate accreditation. Ch東歌ina Excellent 500 for Ent裡銀erprise Social Resp子答onsibility are selected by the CEA from農房 1,800 enterpri分和se samples based on the Chinese 腦和Evaluation Criteria on Ente空喝rprise Social Responsibility村嗎, published by the CEA in 2014, w姐劇hich covers 63 indicators in 1算答0 aspects such as le土拿gal ethics, quality 近長and safety, energy and environment. On短數 the basis of the self-owned da票遠ta of the CEA and 畫物the externally disclosed data of內低 various enterprises, this evaluation w西船as added with the 人白social responsibility reports文車 and public opinion d火從ata on the Internet of the 路化enterprises. COFCO topped the list with歌謝 918.44 points (1,000 p服雪oints for limit), and was ranke哥靜d in the top 10 in terms 低學of four single items, i.e., leg日鄉al ethics, shareholder知信s’ rights and interests, harmonio匠雜us community, and responsibility manage站店ment.