
SASAC Dynamics

COFCO's total profit made a雪友 record high in 2017

Release time:2018-05-30

In the past year 2017, COFCO熱很 has delivered a beautiful光歌 "report" covering the annual operat黑錢ing income of RMB機離 482.5 billion Yuan, total profit of 服上RMB 11.8 billion Yuan, and 為又total assets of RMB 538.市訊8 billion Yuan.

In accordance with th裡但e strategic deployment of the m區河odernized power put forward車討 in the 19th National下時 Congress of the Communis從離t Party of China, COFCO first prop關上osed to build the new高紅 goal of the new era of becoming a w請紙orld first-class enterpri又務se, so as to continue to deepen the ref大坐orm of State-owned Capital In了弟vestment Company and access to th業厭e fast lane of high-speed dev有時elopment, with en我男hancing the international competiti日事veness, implementation of be時你coming stronger, better and bigger, an年樹d undertaking t銀師he food safety r去要esponsibility for the mission, with 我說the authorized capital mana南制gement of state-owned 畫舊enterprises as an opportuni家工ty.

Over the past two ye匠子ars, COFCO cracked路物 the contradict子火ion through top-level design and mec河購hanism innovatio票見n, and fully initiated the s年明ystem reengineering of professio湖坐nal development. Within less tha懂志n two years after the professi國拍onal restructuring, 18 indep黃花endent market en計計tities were formed integrat舞家ing human, finance, and material, and a吧飛lso production, purchase and sales.上議 With assets, produ山了ction, and marketing integrated, 區藍the capital assets structure, 要行resource allocation efficiency, and mai爸照n economic indexes were o明分ptimized obviously, the enterprise cost慢哥 and benefit were improved dramati木說cally, and a lot of enterprises with lo哥知ng-term loss prof輛小ited again. The professional system des裡呢ign has produced results in prac都數tice.

At the level of a profession年農al company, the mixed-ownership refo樹懂rm is an important breakthrough of or路媽ganizational for會開m and management 河弟system. Over th女資e past two years地分, a total of 6 prof來慢essional companies have introdu電山ced RMB 27 billion yuan in the離會 manners of equity ope業很rations, such as mixed refor廠書m, employee shareholding, l街女isting and setting up funds. So far, 1藍關4 professional companies 花事have completed the mixed-o你年wnership reform or麗資 realized the equity diversific高拍ation. All 18 pr時東ofessional companies will realize the 西能shareholding diversificati通北on since mixed-ownership reform will工林 be completed for feed, wine, grain a綠個nd textile by the end of 201男高8.