
SASAC Dynamics

The Party Committee of S新些ASAC conveyed and studi國吧ed the spirit of the Central Economic W讀美ork Conference 化金and stressed acc低資urately grasping Xi Jinping’s economic刀不 thought of socialism with C討舞hinese characteristics in the new er那錢a and promoting the re山年alization in central enterpris唱著es

Release time:2018-05-30

In the afternoon of December 20 朋章and on December說朋 21, 2017, the Party Co女銀mmittee of SASAC held the Party Co但美mmittee meeting and special meetin我們g successively, conveyi舞坐ng and studying the spirit 女文of the Central Economic Work Con們計ference, and arranging and deploy志時ing the implementation in th身刀e SASAC system and central關習 enterprises. Hao Peng, Secretary視請 of the Party Committee of the State-o從冷wned Assets Supervision and西讀 Administration Co在老mmission (SASAC) chaired the meetings男厭 and delivered the speeches, stressing玩話 full implementa海鐘tion of the spirit of the 19th 愛船National Congress of the我土 Communist Party 服站of China, guidance b她一y Xi Jinping’s thought志到 of socialism wit上說h Chinese characteristics做西 in the new era, accurate冷票ly grasping the p懂路rofound connotation 離用of Xi Jinping’s tho器子ught of socialism w又事ith Chinese characteristics裡技 in the new era, reall器請y unifying thought and action to t刀購he scientific judgment of 來拍the Party Central Com懂的mittee on the current si開好tuation and major decision deployme務熱nt of the economic work, co鐵商nstant insistence on the overall 弟下tone of making progress while maintaini資弟ng stability, spa友城ring no effort to promote in樂費novation and development, compr影理ehensive deepening the reform of st靜技ate-owned enterprises, and cons舊文tantly strengthen廠紅ing the supervision 費費over state-owned asse商電ts, strictly enhancing the party build自聽ing, trying to promote離亮 the state-owned cap分低ital to become stronger, better and b術男igger, and driving the deve湖微lopment of the c喝明entral enterprises 做老to achieve higher quality. Xiao Y飛姐aqing, Chairman of開村 and Deputy Secretary of th很現e SASAC Party Co動湖mmittee made spe藍離cific comments on the implem視媽entation.

The meeting believed that the多風 Central Economic Work Conference 討光comprehensively summarized th物農e historic achievem長他ents and changes 上外of China's economic 校就development since 廠近the 18th National Congress of th雜匠e Communist Party of China, made th南購orough analysis on the cu銀機rrent domestic and internati山不onal economic situa日光tions, deeply expounded Xi Jinping’s e紙視conomic thought of socia中計lism with Chines輛要e characteristics in the new era 國數with the new concept of development山身 as the main content, and clearly put校了 forward the overall req得好uirements, main ta吃費rget and key tasks of the economic work煙友 in 2018, to provide the basic ide劇間as for the economic wor從報k of the next year and dete外厭rmine the construction個村 drawings. The SASAC system and central件門 enterprises should underst雜很and deeply Xi Jinping’s e就很conomic thought of soc近校ialism with Chinese char分們acteristics in 歌友the new era is the powerful 身的ideological weapon to deal wi外船th the complicated situati熱短on and do economic work體銀 well, and also reso可熱lutely arm with this important 如習thought, guide pract就懂ice, and promote 輛門work; deeply understand 年吧the important significance不用 of the high quality devel那南opment stage of 和日the national eco上山nomy, further strengthen the 中件confidence and determination to the c雜術onstruction of the modern econ雜鐘omic system, and resolutely do a g化如ood job in operating s哥厭tate-owned enterprise農放s and developing state-些分owned economy; deeply understand that 做拍the scientific judgment of the CP到風C Central Committee on the cur新低rent economic s看自ituation is to the basic foundation劇藍 of the good econom笑內ic work, and active工少ly act to ensure that various works of火問 the reform and development of s雪黃tate-owned enterprises 哥通and assets work smoothly and 機校promote orderly; deeply under姐鐘stand the overall re學些quirements and major deploym兵但ent of the CPC Cen購遠tral Committee of the ec你訊onomic work next year is the照玩 scientific guidance to行人 promote the economic con爸算struction, carefully自很 plan the reform 他上and development of enterprise請吃s and state-owned assets, and make 舞報efforts to promote the develo報資pment of the state eco近費nomy to achieve a higher q服從uality; deeply unde說黃rstand it is the strong guar公黑antee to realiz舞們e the sustainable and healthy econ雪件omic and social development in ou作厭r country to uphold and st頻匠rengthen the Party's leader亮是ship in the econom裡習ic work, always adh吧月ere to the Party’s le照妹adership over state-owned ent唱些erprises, and strengthen志火 the party buil輛美ding, to ensure that the decisi冷謝on and deployment of the 鐘在CPC Central Committee 都兵on state-owned enterprises are fully放鄉 implemented.

The meeting stressed that 2018 is the f務裡irst year to im好內plement the spirit of th哥近e 19th National Congress of the Co信爸mmunist Party of Ch下內ina, and the key year t筆年o build a well-off societ的醫y in an all-round way, and this year白訊 the party and the state will cel媽要ebrate the 40th anniversary of the r業影eform and opening up, so舞司 the SASAC system and cent報廠ral enterprises should effectively 制車promote various key tasks to校河 implement soli分作dly; promote our national短東 economy across "two passes", especi秒愛ally actively act in the 上數three major bat友文tles, i.e., preventing ag玩鄉ainst and dissolving of拿姐 significant risks, targeted森吃 poverty alleviation, and preve喝舞ntion and control of polluti們吃on, strengthen the sense of地計 responsibility and urge都行ncy, take concrete他話 actions to resolutely子開 implement the de不懂cisions and deployment of the CPC Centr請弟al Committee; push forward the s如關upply-side structural reform, vig西會orously develop t腦日he advanced manu海雨facturing industries, make sol睡愛id progress in "道明three removing, one reducing an看微d one adding", an微草d accelerate the optimizati制呢on and upgradin人頻g of the traditi火司onal industries; make fu房影ll efforts to promo個姐te innovation-driven development, stren他師gthen independent innovation, impr站輛ove the institution and mechan間會isms, enhance collaboration an著章d innovation, and play 術風a key role in building an inno科業vative country; continuously deepen物笑 the reform of state照章-owned enterprises and assets, continue愛這 to improve the management system 問木of state-owned assets, further promot刀友e the reform of state-owned enterpri匠司ses, speed up the optimization of the說些 layout structure, streng到師then the supervision and accountab森事ility, and promote all r很事eform tasks to be implement國相ed and take effect; vigorously promote 事路the internationalization m購我anagement level, activ高在ely participate in the "Bel兒區t and Road" constru喝煙ction, really improve the global compet拿技itiveness, pay more attenti化討on to guard against risks, make full u日術se of the domestic and internationa頻匠l markets and resources, and spe藍外ed up the formation of the new a玩男dvantages in internati大綠onal competitive cooperation上得; comprehensivel來門y strengthen the 但長party's construction, insist on placin了姐g the political cons人西truction in the first place, ad子知here to the party’s comprehensive lea子唱dership over state-o舊樹wned enterprises, adhere to t了小he principle of the party’s managin高輛g cadres, and promote the further deve刀短lopment of the comprehensive a如友nd strict governance of the party.請用

According to the meeting , we shou讀明ld strengthen the ove地動rall arrangemen民謝t, carry out the鐘問 responsibility layer upon商地 layer, do a good job in work書海 summary of this year and wo呢自rk plan of the next yea她友r, find out weaknesses accu自計rately, lay a solid foundation for 樂作the work of the n得老ext year, and make sure to have a good議新 closure and a good openin車還g, in accordance with the r離站equirements of 光關grasping the big pictu男民re, holding on to the bottom line, hig自這h holding a banner, vig務唱orously promoting女嗎 implementation, consoli光弟dating foundation, 笑從and improving abili從業ty; always adhere to the people木微-centered idea, earnestly grasp 煙如the safety production work, further str站刀engthen the consciousness of red line 他嗎and responsibility, tig校門hten the string of 東離safe production, and take preventive m國姐easures against dangers; pay cl短間ose attention to the production紙信 and life of workers, make every effo司上rt to solve the pr對讀oblems for workers, and strive姐爸 to maintain the harm文懂ony and stability of the enterp時訊rises and societ煙要y.

The Party Commit麗是tee member, Chairman of the Board of Su樹書pervisors, and leade雪男r of Inspection匠樂 Group of SASAC,用西 the old leaders 還秒and the second-line Party members,能會 and the cadres and Party member綠慢s above the deputy ministerial level o來湖f the direct managemen山男t associations, main responsi計門ble persons and party members o爸空f the SASAC management leade水知rship and central enterprises in Be空家ijing, main respon靜水sible persons of the SASAC offi小喝ces and bureaus, discipli問日ne inspection groups station時家ing in commissions, di樹子rectly affiliated institutions, off照河ice of the Board of Supervisor船關s, responsible party members of all ins熱報pection groups, 人銀all retirement bureaus of the 裡錢Administration Bureau syst吧店em, and service冷大 centers attended th外森e meeting.