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Xi Jinping made investigation in Xuzh北工ou, Jiangsu Province and stressed prom通鐘oting the reform and deve公喝lopment closely around the nee土短d in the new era

Release time:2018-05-30

Xinhua News Age西窗ncy reported that Xi Jinping,數機 General Secretary of物微 the CPC Central C林船ommittee, President of PRC, and Presid樂家ent of the Central Military 答水Commission of PRC, made hi不討s investigation呢靜 in Xuzhou, Jiangsu P黃服rovince recently, stressing that 相電in-depth study 影身and implementation of the sp科地irit of the 19th Nationa醫我l Congress of the Communi金喝st Party of China is the fi風紅rst political tas民謝k of the party a雜師nd throughout the country c分熱urrently and in the future. All r報好egions and departments樹劇 must fully understand and accurately秒鐘 grasp the spirit of the友頻 19th National Congress of t如北he Communist Party of China, solid信工ly implement the紙司 decisions and deployment of們家 the 19th National Congress of the Co厭些mmunist Party of China, and pr機銀omote various causes of the民他 party and state to a new level closely哥靜 around the requir在服ements of socialism with the C門醫hinese characteristics in the ne銀會w era.

It was cold but alive in Nor友線th Jiangsu Province i但了n winter. On December 12 光雨to 13, 2017, Xi Jin農章ping, accompanied by Lou新頻 Qinjian, Secretary o兒大f Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee 藍議of the CPC, Wu Zhenglong, Gov可樹ernor of Jiangsu Province, carr又報ied out the investigation 門新and research on the implementation a森報nd study of the spirit of the 快雜19th National Congress of熱下 the Communist Party of China and cur在綠rent economic and social development空新 situation in en化科terprises, rural ar舞他eas, and revolutionary memorial hal西雨ls in Xuzhou, Jian不那gsu Province.

On December 12 to 13, 2017, Xi風空 Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC 舞錯Central Committee, Stat照員e President, and President of the離事 Central Military Commission, carrie人機d out the investigation and research in門了 Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. This 坐厭is the photo taken when Xi Ji商時nping visited the mod通低el workers, tec學地hnical experts, and other 靜樂workers' representatives, en風熱couraging them to perf又她orm excellently in the struggle to rea玩銀lize the Chinese dream in Heavy Machine北志ry Co., Ltd., XCMG in the afternoon時到 of December 12. 問離By Reporter Xie Huanchi, Xinh我男ua News Agency

On December 12,熱我 after arriving in Xuzhou from B草志eijing, Xi Jinping fir道線st investigated Heavy吃關 Machinery Co., Ltd., X空外CMG, which was previously Lunan區通 Eighth Arsenal of the Eighth Rout河鐘e Arty, established in 1943. X熱說CMG has independently rese村報arched and developed a variety of hea村她vy machineries in recent years, which商雨 occupy a leading market share and 個做have been export日是ed to the world, and at the same time不物 made important progress in develo畫有ping the intelli作鐵gent manufacturing promoted by the s冷厭tate, participating in男還 the military and civilian integ森愛ration development, and taking part in我志 the "Belt and R商北oad" construction. Xi Jinping underst市綠ood the details about business 路房development, independ空子ent innovation, international cooperat都購ion, talents cultivation, the Part東畫y building construct山大ion, and so on in combination wi長術th the display boa可但rds, and affirmed the e用上nterprise’s ach醫訊ievements in inheritin動理g red genes and adapt懂視 to the development of times.上年 He stressed that state-ow離筆ned enterprises ar事靜e important material and political foun道嗎dation of socialism wi花都th Chinese charact生睡eristics and a pillar of the s還好ocialist economy with Chinese c睡器haracteristics. State-own微內ed enterprises are expected to deepe劇暗n the reform and imp媽做rove their operation an金坐d management level accordi習男ng to the deployment of 自為the 19th National Con時習gress of the Communist Party of Chin化去a so as to make state-學腦owned enterprises bec開又ome the backbone of carrying o村長ut the new deve鐘算lopment concept and compreh聽紅ensively deepening the reform, 工視and also the important pilla吃長r and dependent power of the CPC in 火要governing and rejuvenating the coun玩喝try.

Xi Jinping came to Assem不線bly Workshop for Crane Chassi林著s to visit the intelligent p年秒roduction line, understand the intelli錯但gent tightening system, digital a很車ssembly process, and the 校信production process and technical ess很慢entials for the finished all-t冷弟errain crane, which we工事nt offline from the produc呢數tion line newly, watched 市市the demonstration嗎又 operation of the industrial Intern頻國et big data platform, list喝微ened to the enterp房器rise’s report on implementing 新樹manufacturing industry servicing and 土廠remote big-data service, and al森自so sincerely exchanged with the worker關身s on the site. With str通購ong interest, he also stepped on長白to the cab of the X綠輛CA220 all-terrain wheeled cr舊笑ane fully independently developed by來還 XCMG, asking the technic請白al personnel for new 呢國details for technical inn家來ovation and ope離相rational procedures. Xi 海草Jinping pointed out tha訊購t we must always attach great imp內訊ortance to developing and growing the r喝技eal economy and for th廠土is we must grasp the manufacturing i遠媽ndustry well. The 著家equipment manufactu舞北ring industry i計跳s the backbone of the manufact刀來uring industry, so 技南we must increase the investment, s風高trengthen the research and de小呢velopment, speed up the d影音evelopment, strive to occupy 錢技the commanding height,爸妹 and control the technologi亮樂cal voice, to ma弟門ke our country a modern equi新秒pment manufacturing power. Innovation i他呢s the source of core compe有離titiveness of enterprises. M飛照any core technologi木要es cannot be requested or 土得bought. To carry紅城 out the major decision of t來分he 19th National Congr黑火ess of the Communist Party of Chin議術a party's 19th 用分about changes in quality, efficiency, a問開nd dynamics in the eco可道nomic development and realizing the tra車自nsformation from Made in Chi制科na to Created in China, from C友男hinese Speed to Chinese 作聽Quality, and Chinese Product to 愛要Chinese Brand, we must have t報離he confidence, patience, and con火離centration to pay special attentio花北n to independent inn綠話ovation. State-owned 西我enterprises should become th校匠e new force to deepen the supply-side s照個tructural reform, raise the level of d做麗evelopment aiming a間開t the international 上銀standards, and p司用romote the industry to move tow身外ards the high en裡從d of the global value 現西chain. Xi Jinpi算那ng also encouraged XCMG to focus on t師的he world's leading e懂費dge and to explore good model 話吃and good experience in t匠報he innovative d門子evelopment.

On the square outside the Wor水懂kshop, dozens of en西樂gineering machinery products 都報produced by XCMG, includin開和g hoisting, compaction, carry-sc都輛raper, road building machinery, and p機站ile driving machinery他喝 were arranged orderly. When a mountain慢算 excavator was demonstrat可新ing operations, Xi Jin湖體ping carefully 著但watched and examined it,舊刀 and also understoo議微d the performance and u購中se of the products in身謝 detail, hoping that XCMG will contin子月ue to expand its technological adva公鐵ntages, have a larger market, play a b我化igger role, and crea可高te more benefits.

Then, Xi Jinping paid a kind visi科日t to XCMG's labor mode議技ls, technical experts and裡短 other staff represent鄉街atives. He enthusiastically told亮費 the staff that XCMG had a glorious hi嗎畫story and was sure to have a bet厭議ter future; China's economy 樂員was moving from high speed 車作to high quality, 風笑which was a must. 資有Every industry and every enterp生近rise must move forward in this directi內大on; the 19th National Congres車空s of the Communi黃低st Party of China 站紅had drawn up a blu她行eprint for building a moder答靜n socialist country, for 鄉鐘which every can enjoys飛謝 benefits and also must underta術購ke responsibilities; vast enter學謝prise employees should stren照笑gthen the sense of 子照pride and mission of the working cl音線ass in the new era, cherish明得 posts and devote wh數弟oleheartedly to work, 筆木struggle and de金用dicate, and vigorously car西雪ry forward the spirit of labor空街 model and craftsmen in striving 大來to perform excellently during the r森慢ealization of the Chinese dream.來自

After leaving XCMG, Xi Jinpi不通ng took a bus to 黃個Shennong Quay, one of the到話 rectifying projec員腦ts for the Pan’an coal商師 mining subsidence ar劇門ea in Jiawang Di遠多strict, Xuzhou.路熱 This once barren coal mi雜現ning subsidence area, through 技有ecological restoration 妹黑and landscape construction, has beco好作me a wetland scenic 大場spot with lakes and tre中數es. After listening to the內秒 report on the rect日們ification of the coa理關l mining subsid看民ence area as well a民人s the transformation and development畫科 of the resource-exhausted ci飛現ty, Xi Jinping walked to the 個理lake to see the new scenery. The 農靜economic transformation知紅 and development of resource-和著exhausted cities, he said, 麗站was a big article, which has been pro西家ven in practice that it can be s身用uccessful completely, a是大nd it was key to car家舞ry out the new development co視小ncept, unswervingly tak國現e the civilized d店機evelopment path for developed producti請場on, affluent life, and good ecology.低們 Also he pointed器的 that it was necessary to 技車summarize and populariz筆呢e the useful experience in rectificati電頻on of coal mining文頻 subsidence area.

On December 12 to 13, 2017, 工如Xi Jinping, General Secretary of 會門the CPC Central Commi白短ttee, State President, a黃上nd President of the Central Military C風很ommission, carried out the investig木藍ation and research in 答資Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. This is 愛體the photo taken when 少湖Xi Jinping exchanged wit道工h the CPC party空問 members in the Activi到學ty Room of CPC Party Membe影放rs in Mazhuang Village, Pan’笑刀an Lake Sub-district, who were討我 studying the spirit of the 19th Natio子間nal Congress of the 志吃Communist Party of China on不美 the afternoon of December 12.關個 By Reporter Xie 那司Huanchi, Xinhua News Agency

Later, Xi Jinping visited Mazhuang V遠這illage, Pan’an Lake Sub-員醫district nearby. Xi Jinping obs答輛erved the photos, docum上公ents and physical objects in the V花議illage Historical 會著Archive. He affirmed t時紙he village’s experi都讀ence in transforming from t近湖he survival purely on coal to o音上n the common development看明 of several industries, and also書費 pointed out that it was the吃要 important measure for speeding up 事光in promoting the modernized agr機路iculture and rural areas to devel些飛op characteristic industry 看月and characterist新場ic economy, and necessary to desi見舞gn and implement the懂朋 measures according to lo子個cal conditions. In 吧光the Activity Room of 著生CPC Party Members, Xi 了光Jinping, walking among the CPC party 拿作members who were study妹訊ing the spirit of the 工女19th National Congress of the Communi業木st Party of China, lis司票tened to their talk about le兵家arning, saw their learning no書在tes and asked what they were fee如術ling the deepest and what opinion and s南黃uggestion they had, and hoped that年一 they could play a positiv笑制e role in studying and 也計implementing the spirit of the 19th Na能也tional Congress o村在f the Communist Party of China. He poin民低ted out that rural gra弟間ss-roots party organiza化遠tions were the leadership core f好舞or all rural organizations and a相雨ll the work and it was necessar她制y to strengthen the functi民司ons of countryside basi農唱c-level party organization報行s, and build these rural grass-ro看那ots party organizations into男區 the strong fig畫道hting bastion of propagand會科izing the Party年好's claims, imple海票ment the Party's decisions, leadin靜城g the grassroots governance, 玩雪unifying and mobi看人lizing the masses, and promoting t間著he reform and development.

In the Village's sachet studio, Xi 道木Jinping appreciated various s員藍achets made by vill為飛agers. Wang Xiuying, an 80-year-拿相old villager, told t空區he general secretary that知麗 her sachets filled w畫明ith the traditional Chinese med樹物icine were sold wel事水l and she earned the net 電自income of more than R中短MB 200,000 yuan a year. Xi J低紅inping, holding a sachets, c刀街omplimented her on her cra樂謝ft and bought one after paying by himse草票lf. He said laughing, "I這林 am also willing to support you.些市"

In the Village’s compreh書區ensive service roo輛玩m, the people were using和玩 the public data information plat商風form to understand the vi年師llage information. Xi Jinping e河黃xchanged with them, watched the publi厭答c information demonstration through影睡 the television screen, understo什歌od the process through which villa討購gers query the related matters on家姐 a computer, tol舊那d the local cadre很雪s to necessarily do a木村 good job in releas動哥e of the village af門白fairs and infor身放mation services, so as to really let da鐵鄉ta more go longer but 裡西villagers run les農謝s errands. In the village’s可票 culture hall, Xi Jinping, 愛化watched the villag商兒ers’ show with the bamboo clappers p麗坐layed to propagandize the sp近姐irit of the 19th National Congress of t靜微he Communist Party of China,秒懂 commended them for good edition an光村d perfect performance, and also encour還商aged them to contribute mo光照re to enrichen villag自玩ers' cultural life. Xi Jinping pointed 工得out that the rural spiritu機懂al civilization 鐘議construction was v要飛ery important, changes from substan女近ce to spirit or from spirit 跳吃to substance is a dialectic point of vi理唱ew, and it was necessar間都y to pay special attention t媽舞o improve farmers' spir話劇it to develop both material civili快林zation and spiritual civilization路電 in order to implement the strateg秒場y of rejuvenating the cou女南ntry.

When Xi Jinping left Mazhuang V科又illage, the villag她好ers said hello to the general secreta能音ry. Xi Jinping shook h票睡ands with everyone and wished e有制veryone a healthy and happy life. The 也科applause, laughter, and cheers la水木sted for a long time.

On December 12 to 13, 2017, 微站Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the 工高CPC Central Committee, State Presi白林dent, and Preside年來nt of the Centr物區al Military Commission, c城離arried out the investigation and re煙舊search in Xuzhou, Jian友熱gsu Province. This is the photo taken國紅 when Xi Jinping visited the 分高Huaihai campaign Memorial on the煙習 afternoon of Decembe站對r 13. By Reporte森筆r Xie Huanchi, Xi會也nhua News Agency

On the afternoon of Mar店著ch 13, Xi Jinping分美 came to the east food of Phoenix家信 Mountain in Xuzhou and vis書海ited the Martyrs’ Mon煙匠ument for Huaih子站ai Campaign and also信國 the Huaihai Campaign Mem她身orial. The Huaihai Campaign was a煙了 decisive battle in the嗎空 Liberation War of the Chinese Pe農那ople and played an important工林 role in the Liberation War of the C間錯hinese People. 照影Xi Jinping laid a flower bas金的ket and made three bows in 多技front of the Martyrs’ Mon山場ument. At the M腦兵emorial, he mainly visited the display 答亮boards for pre-war situation, i樹姐mplementation of the campaign, and the如業 people's support. He listene個地d to the explanation 火什and also asked fo雪是r the related deta新用ils, stopping for times to pond到姐er and contemplate. He stre務水ssed that we honored the revolutionar吃也y martyrs in order to inherit t畫報heir legacy, carry forward t輛弟heir spirit, not forget our original in學樹tention, keep the mis遠街sion in mind, and always struggle on th場店e way opened with their blood and life.為一 Xi Jinping pointed ou討西t that the Huaihai Campaign pr店討ofoundly enlightened us of what dete是子rmines the outcome of a war is not su信雨rely weapon or soldier,制能 military strategies and tactics, soldi錯在ers’ confidence and courage, people's黑醫 support and help are often用暗 more important到員 factors. We should carry 間唱forward the red gene of the people木報's army, strive to 來就cultivate revolutionary armyman of th著讀e new era with soul, ability, b間線lood and morality, and maintain the 遠爸nature, purpose and 城著true quality of the北制 people's army; also inherit and e遠美xpand the glori服些ous traditions and h老筆istorical experience森家 of our party an影家d the people's ar一頻my, and continue to advance on the 月東path of upholding an西這d developing socialism with Chinese ch姐子aracteristics.

Ding Xuexiang, Liu He, Xu Qiliang 廠制and responsible perso會大ns of the relat人拍ed central departme服朋nts accompanied Xi Jinping duri年低ng the investigation.