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Oolong Tea Division convened the 2018 她要New Spring Purchasing Meeting

Release time:2018-05-30

On December 20, 201厭紙7, Oolong Tea Division, China Tea h照紅eld the 2018 New Spring Purchasing Me吧見eting in Xiamen.

The Meeting participant睡房s believed that it is not on是妹ly beneficial to improve enterprise 鄉錢scale, reduce production cost, but鐘東 also help throu作畫gh unified deployment, sharing resour多關ces, further enh都近ance the operational effi分城ciency of tea, business文女 scale, profitability and m討看arket competitiveness that China Tea fo醫西rmed four major divis制就ions, i.e., Oolong Tea Division, Puer的視 Tea Division, Dark Tea D女車ivision and Green Tea Divis生物ion after resource inte有中gration, use the l學到ogo of China Tea i吃放n a unified way, conduct unified pr船們ocurement, production, channel, and b務遠rand, and realiz水大e the all-category and integrated o高刀peration.

On the Purchasing Meeting site, v北在arious new prod場熱ucts were launched, including "山黃Prosperous Fortune & Wealth • Seaw器話all Golden Brick", " Prosperous Fortune厭區 & Wealth  • Da醫紅hongpao Zodiac Cake", "Golden Key",校日 "Daughter’s Marriage Tea"有影, "2018 Gold Po近為t Laocong Shuixian", an音制d the new orders rose by 40% co離樹mpared on a year-on-year basis.

Wang Guiqing, General 這著Manager and Wei Sai唱湖ming Deputy General Ma請有nager of China Tea Co., Ltd., and more 月新than 400 dealers from城近 all over the country attended the mee購遠ting.